Thursday, February 27, 2014

Today Was a Good Day

Gratuitous Pet Picture

Now that we have a view out back, Nutella's decided the best place in the tin can is between the big, overstuffed pillows on the bed.


We had to move the RV (again). The space we were in was meant to be temporary - a sort of shelter from the rising river. Surprisingly, the first space we were in, never flooded. So never needed to move in the first place. But...we're suppose to be good in this space until June. God that seems so far off.

Here are some pics of our new home. We're in front of the levee...a great place to walk the dogs. Behind the levee is a walking trail - even better for the dogs, but it is still under water in places so it will be a while before we can use it.

Decorated the old homestead with a tiny shamrock windmill...for St Paddy's Day and our 14th wedding anniversary! Birdie -- yes, those are the two plants (on the side of the RV, behind the stairs) you fostered for me. We had them in the shower but I decided they needed air as well as light. Derron brings them in every night like a good boy.

We need to get a couple of bird feeders for our new home. This area is full of songbirds. Derron wants to put one right outside the back window so Gracie can sit on the bed pillows and watch them.


Was missing my girls today so went to pick them up from day care an hour early. I was so pleased when Shelby told me Hazelnut had a great day! She seemed to trust everyone there and relaxed enough to play with all the dogs in the room. 6 visits...that's what it took. She was so cute when they brought her and Nutella out...she jumped up and gave me a big kiss -- well a big kiss for Hazelnut! Poor Nutella looked like she wanted to go home and take a nap...which she did...all wrapped up in her favorite fuzzy blanket. 

They both have become such cuddle bunnies. Hazelnut never cuddled on the bed. Now she rearranges everything on the bed to suit her. Even if it means burying Nutella under a pile of pillows (which by the way, suits Nutella just fine). The other night I got up to use the bathroom, and when I came back, she'd jumped into my spot and hunkered down. It's no easy feat moving a 65 lb dog, but I did it. No way she was pushing me out of the bed!


Today (Thursday) is rainy...surprise. But tomorrow is suppose to be warm and sunny so we are going to Mt Angel for the day (thanks for the tip, mom!) for their annual WURSTFEST!

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