Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 6 - Stuck In Redding, CA

Who would have thought Oregon would get "feet" of snow dumped on it? We sure didn't. They get snow but not every winter, and not this much. We had hoped to be on the road this morning on the way to some part of southern Oregon. But it was not meant to be. We tried calling parks south of Roseburg (snow is north of there), but couldn't reach anyone. We made an online reservation for tomorrow for one in Myrtle Creek...hoping to hear back. We have to deliver the U-haul tow dolly by Wednesday in Corvallis, but considering that is the epicenter of the storm, we're thinking the place may be closed until then or maybe longer.

Fortunately the park we're in here in Redding, CA is a good one. Great showers. Great dog area just steps from our slot. Quiet despite it's right off I-5. Just wish it had the bar we had at the Bakersfield park. Oh well. We have vodka, wine, and cider on board so we can drink...but it would be nicer to have bar food to go along with drinks.

The park is eerily quiet. Not sure how many here are in the same holding pattern as us. We've seen only a couple people walking around but it is raining...

Kind of wishing we hadn't eaten the ice cream we bought yesterday...if we had just a tow bar for the car, we could unhook and take a drive into town. But what we have is much more complicated than a tow took Derron and the U-haul guy together to get the car on it and hooked up...I'm thinking I wouldn't be a good substitute for the U-haul guy, so we'll leave the car as it is and stay put.

Wait...wait...wait! I froze some chocolate chip cookie dough!  Yay! We can have cookies.

The dogs were all ready to hit the road but surprisingly (not) they've settled in on the couch and the bed and are sound asleep. The cat has found a good little snuggle spot too. I think they are all happy to sit still for a day. It'll probably be good for all of us.

We have cable and good WiFi here so we have something to do...important since it's been raining steady since we pulled in yesterday afternoon. It's chilly too but we have heat. Good water, sewer, and electric hookups here as well.

We may spend the day doing laundry...or may keep that for the next place we get stuck over at...

OK. Change of plans.

No laundry. No point in hauling it to the laundry room only to bring it back soaked. Since it's still pouring-ass raining.

We watched a movie on cable and had soup and grilled cheese sandwiches (and homemade chocolate chip cookies). Now what? I am beginning to understand what my friend Bonnie said about RVing. It's all about getting out of the RV. Well, that's a great point but we can't go anywhere...I already explained about the car, and we can't walk anywhere because of the weather. So we sit.

We took the dogs out and poor things are now soaking wet. They'll probably dry out and then it'll be time to walk again. Oh fun.

At least the good WiFi here allows for Netflix binge watching.  It's something to do while we pass the time waiting to hear from the RV park in Myrtle Creek...or if not there, then somewhere south of the snowstorm.

Update: Heard from the RV park in Myrtle Creek. We have a spot for tomorrow. Now let's hope the snow hasn't moved south!

We've managed for the day...not sure how we are going to live in this little tin can. Derron still hasn't gotten the hang of putting things away. It can get cluttered really fast. And with all the dog walking we've had to do today, we have wet clothes hanging on every available hook. So he had to pull out the dehumidifier. Argh!

Actually looking forward to the drive least it is something to do.

Well we'll be off in a few minutes...ready to see Oregon!

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