Monday, February 17, 2014

Angie Called It...Things Will Happen

Gratuitous Pet Picture

Doesn't she look like we caught her commandeering the RV? Looks like she trying to figure out how to pilot it back to Bush.


Dropped the dogs off at The Dog Bark. Day three. We were hoping Hazelnut would have calmed down more. She did but was still reluctant. Shannon, the day manager, who's been off for a few days, took control. She told us to leave and she'd get Hazelnut into the dog room. And she did.

Stopped at Don's Restaurant for a quick bite before heading to Portland for the day. Derron had the Berlin omelette - German sausage, onions, peppers, and cheese. I had the standard breakfast and I am happy to report...they can make soft scrambled eggs here in Salem!

So on to Portland. First stop........IKEA! I shopped at Ikea occasionally in Virginia when I lived there, but it was while we were in Germany that I became an IKEA-holic. I love their kitchen area and textiles. We didn't buy anything because, really...where would we put it?

We met my sister Erin in the St John's neighborhood. Driving in Portland reinforced to me why I prefer Salem...less traffic and congestion! And Portland has so many bridges. Did I mention I am scared of heights and certain kinds of bridges really put the fear of God in me?

We managed to get to Edelweiss so Derron could pick up the bacon stuffed bologna he'd been wanting. We picked up a couple cheese wurst too. I'd had them there before and while they are good, they are not as good as those our friends Chris and Silke get from their village butcher in Germany.

And now to why I titled this post as I did. My friend Angie and her husband Mack are RV aficionados. And they graciously gave us lots of advice before we left Louisiana for points west. The piece that sticks in my mind is one that Angie passed me in private...things will happen. Derron found a leak in the trim over the RVs cab. Mack warned us - based on recent experience - that we need to STOP any leak ASAP. So guess what? Off to Ace hardware again. Third time in two days. Lady at the check-out recognized us...and made fun of the fact that we didn't enroll in Ace's savers program YESTERDAY! We're idiots.

We had to take everything out of the overhead, clean it well, then put everything back...but everything had to stay forward so the damp area can dry. We picked up a sealer, after careful consultation with a store clerk (I pulled her aside and asked her to PLEASE help my husband so I wouldn't have to come back). But we cannot use it until it stops raining. Boy if that isn't a kick in the pants. It hasn't stopped raining for any real length since we got here. I'm so hating this.

But on a positive note...Derron gave the bacon stuffed bologna two enthusiastic thumbs up.

Another positive note...when we picked up the dogs, Hazelnut let Autumn put her leash on and gave Autumn a kiss. Three days is a record for Hazelnut. She usually takes a couple weeks before she accepts someone.

On a humorous note, my friend Mary Wilson passed me a link to a blog about little house particular, this posting on full time RV living. I was hooked until I realized they were living in a 400 sq ft RV...ours is less than 200 sq ft. What I would give for 200+ more sq ft! I could teach them about real little house living!!!!

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