Monday, February 24, 2014

The Reality Begins To Sink In

Interruption before posting: We've sprung another leak.  That God we're not a boat! Derron's on it and back to his usual vigilance. He'd slacked off after fixing (we hope) the first one.


If all goes accordingly with our house sale, we'll be living in this tin can for another 3 months at the least, possibly longer depending on how long it takes us to find jobs, close on the house, turn our VA paperwork around, and find a house. Once we get to the point when we've found a house, Derron or I will return to Bush to supervise packing our belongings...If we've already closed on the house by then and have the keys, furniture or no furniture, I'm moving in to it.

If it were just the two of us here, we would probably spend good parts of the day out of the tin can. But with the dogs with us, we're kind of stuck here so they can get their walks when they need them. Thankfully, they go to The Dog Bark tomorrow...just when the rain is suppose to return. We've had 4 days of sunshine and are feeling spoiled. We're going to move the RV next week...where we are is great for access to the bath house, but the views are not as good as in other parts of the park. If we can get in a row near the levee, walking the dogs will be easier. I think part of the problem I've been having with my back lately is related to walking them...well, rather the way they pull me along on their walks. I just mentioned this to Derron and he's vetoed it (again). Obviously I have some more convincing to do.

There seems to be a rhythm to this park, as I am sure there is one for every park. Everyone seems to sleep in. Derron and I are up typically around 7 or earlier. When we take the dogs out in the morning, there is not a sound to be heard.

Yesterday was the very first day we saw anyone milling about. Some people were readying their rigs for departure, others were moving to a new spot, and still others seemed to be enjoying the sunshine.

We never see anyone in the evening. We've run into 2 people in the laundry room but that's about it. Maybe things will change closer to summer...Dear GOD don't wish for us to still be here in the summer!

Our realtor is continuing to show our house. We can take back-up offers should the one under contract fall through. They did their inspection on Friday...we're waiting to see the report. Wonder who they used...the guy that did ours when we bought the house emailed it from his phone when he was done.

I mentioned the naturally it started raining. We walked the dogs down by the levee. The fence to the large dog area is barely visible again. The water had been receding at a good pace. Hopefully rain today and tomorrow won't have much of an impact.

I threw my back out again this morning...just shifting in bed, nothing more dramatic. I think I need to start doing some exercises to strengthen my back. I'm tired of all the strains and pulls...

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