Friday, February 28, 2014

Missing Germany A Little Today

Gratuitous Pet Picture

My two birdwatchers. Funny how a common goal can bring enemies together.


Thursday: Guess what? It's raining again in the northwest. Who'da thunk? 

We had to go get some dog food today...if you remember from an earlier blog, Derron left 50-60 lbs of some behind in Bush. Fortunately it's in a sealed container and should be fine when we pack up the house. We tried to get the dogs to eat grass, but go figure, they turned their noses up at it. So off to Petco we went. $54.99 for 27 lbs of food. We were a little shell-shocked because we accumulated points/money at Camp Bow Wow for doggie daycare...and always used those points/money for their food. 

On the way out of Petco, Derron spotted a buffet. Oy. I hate buffets. Too many surfaces, too many people, too many opportunities for germ transfer. But all morning Derron had worked on reorganizing the RV. He did an exceptionally good job. So I sucked it up and in we went. He thoroughly enjoyed himself. I guess that is all that matters.

Sharon from the RV park office stopped by yesterday. Seems we're getting a lot of mail here...well, yes, we did have it she suggested we get a box so we could get our mail even when the office is closed. So we did. Living in this tin can feels so much more permanent now. Arghhhhhhh!


Friday: Beautiful day in Salem. We took the dogs to a dog park in Independence. Closer than the one in Keizer. They had a ball. Literally. Derron played Chuck-it with Hazelnut and I tossed a ball, emphasis on "a" ball, for Nutella. She took it from there. She is the most entertaining dog when she has a ball. She had me laughing and almost falling over. Good therapy after a rainy day in the tin can the day before.

After dog time we took a drive to Mount Angel for their annual Wurstfest. Beautiful drive...lots of fields with mountain views...orchards, hazelnut groves, and blueberry farms. Mount Angel is a small town devoted to its Swiss/German heritage. The Wurstfest was held in the town's Festhalle. They also have a large Weingarten, several German restaurants and pubs in town, and a large Benedictine Abbey overlooking the town. Later in the year they host an Oktoberfest and a Hazelnut Fest. Guess which one we'll be sure to attend?

We shared a table at the fest with a couple of nice, old ladies. One tried to talk us in to moving to Alaska. She'd moved there when she first married her husband, thinking it was just a phase he needed to go through. They wound up staying 38 years! She gave me her card and said to stop by next time we're in Gresham (near Portland). She said..."Just remind me you're the nice couple I talked to about Alaska." How sweet.

Here's Derron in front of the Mt. Angel Festhalle.

Inside the and food to the right, polka band in front, and vendors to the left. 

The mural in the front ran the whole length of the hall. 

Not for nothing...but are these not the cutest cookies you've ever seen?

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