Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Settling In

Lots of excitement in our first two full days in Salem. Well, excitement in the sense that we had a lot to do.

First up, we had to get a vet referral so Nutella's vacs could be updated for doggie daycare. The vet, in Aumsville, about 16 miles from here, turned out to the the BEST vet ever. Normally it takes at least 2 techs and Derron to hold Nutella down - she's strong and wiggly. But the vet was in complete command. He let Nutella lick him in the face...that's something our vet in Abita never did. Seemed to have done the trick. BUT, before we went into the treatment room, she wiggled out of her harness and made a break for the waiting room. She didn't count on Derron catching her.

There's a great nature trail around the river at the end of the park. But since it's been raining non-stop and there's a lot of melted snow, the river is in danger of spilling over the banks (and the nature trail). We may have to move our campsite to a spot a little higher up. Once the water recedes, we're going to ask if we can move down by the river. The dogs have tired of the little dog park and we want to be closer to the other dog area, next to the trail.

For lunch yesterday we checked out a diner near the RV Park, Rock n' Rogers. Had a great chicken club. Then it was off to the grocery for veggies and to Kmart to pick up some tote bags for the shower room. We got to see quite a bit of Salem. There's a cinema downtown, the Cinebarre, that serves wine and food made from scratch - food made from scratch at a movie theater...this I have to check out. And it's across the street from a Lebanese restaurant. Yippee. And there are five, count them, five, Indian restaurants here. We are going to the India Place for Valentine's Day. It's the first Indian place we've found since moving back from Germany, that has Chicken Chili on the menu. It's Derron's favorite...and as the menu says, "only for the very brave".

We stopped at a battery store to replace my failing cellphone battery. The guy who waited on us provided more info about batteries that I ever thought possible.

Dropped the dogs off at 'The Dog Bark' this morning to have their temperaments evaluated for daycare. Fortunately, despite Hazelnut's hysterics, everything went well and they are there for the WHOLE day! We need some time away from them and they need time to play with reckless abandonment.

We went downtown after dropping the dogs off. We took these across the river from the RV park. The paddleboat is attached to a floating dock...I assume that's the only thing keeping it up.

Derron took a picture of me by a carousel statue. They have a really big indoor carousel just a few steps back.

We stopped in at The Beanery for tea and a bite to eat. The food was great and the tea even better. This is a shot of the outside of The Beanery (with the green awning) and a little of downtown Salem - there are 5 coffee shops (and I'm not counting Starbucks) within a 3 block radius. I took a picture of my biscuits and gravy but it didn't come out...but here's Derron having some tea and a black bean burrito.

We don't have anything to do until we pick the dogs up at 6:30...but of course I've been watching them both on the daycare webcam!!!

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