Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Condensation Is Your Enemy

Gratuitous Pet Pictures

Gracie gives Derron computer advice.

Is that sunshine on the cat? Yes, Gracie basks in the sun in her new favorite spot...the driver's seat.


Mack, my friend, you've created a monster. Every morning Derron is up checking every surface, crack, and crevice for moisture. It's only a matter of time until he rolls me out of bed and onto the floor to check the back window!

The rain stopped for a while this morning, so he got outside, dried the areas worrying him, and sprayed away with clear colored Flex-Seal. Then it started raining again. Hopefully it was on there long enough beforehand. If not, it's suppose to be clear Friday...when no doubt, he will start again. In the meantime, I keep wiping every trace of water off surfaces before he sees them and goes berserk. 

On another note, I lied when I said we didn't buy anything at Ikea. We stocked up on candy bars...3 for $2.49. Who could resist...Hazelnut Chocolate Bars.

Here are some promised pictures of our new location (post-high water warning) in the park. Not as picturesque as slot number 113, but when it's pouring rain...close proximity to the bath house is nice.

Yes, that is sunshine bouncing off the Tioga's window.

Later in the day there will be a huge Snap-on Tools truck parked next to us. He leaves every morning at 7...lights a-blazing!

That is the bath house on the right.

Well, the pups are at The Dog Bark today. We had enough of walking them in the rain yesterday...and wouldn't you know it, mostly clear skies today. Surely when we have them home tomorrow, it will be pouring again.

We took a ride through West Salem today...looking at neighborhoods and taking note of houses for sale. We have decided this is probably the neighborhood we want to live in...close to amenities and just 5 minutes to downtown.

Lots of craftsman-style houses there. Not craftsman...but craftsman-like. And lots of earth tones. Houses are close together, not necessarily something we're looking for, but choosing a house is all about compromise, yes?

Stopped in at Hawaiian Time for lunch. It's an Oregon chain of Hawaiian-themed fast food restaurants. Pretty good. I had the Honolulu Plate...essentially Beef Bulgogi. Well seasoned. Derron had the Mauna Loa Chicken (in a sweet and spicy lava sauce). It's the first really spicy dish he's had in a good while.

Living in a small, cramped space truly is difficult. In every house we've lived in, Derron and I have had our separate space and separate bathrooms. So not having that luxury is rough. I can go into the bedroom and be alone, but I have to put on headphones to drown out the TV Derron has to have on all the time. I watch two TV shows, and I can view both having the TV on is not important to me. I prefer the quiet...or watching Netflix with my headphones on.

We fight a lot and complain a lot. And we have 3 more months of this. Fortunately the exercise room re-opened today (after some maintenance). So we have that place to retire to...on our own so the other can have some quiet time in the RV. Also as the weather improves, we can move outside. We brought deck chairs with us...We also have the car. I am going to a Marion County Democrats meeting tomorrow night to meet some locals and network. It's difficult juggling the job search, time with the pets, RV maintenance time, time together, and time apart...but we have to find a way...or we'll kill each other. Then who will take care of our pets?

Finished Season 2 of House of Cards. No spoilers. Enjoyed it thoroughly but don't believe it's a real reflection of typical DC politics...maybe more of the exception. As a former federal civil servant, I can attest to the fact that the American people give our government far too much credit (regarding what they are capable of). Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are the most diabolical couple on TV. Period.

I also watched the Mitt movie on Netflix. I'll leave it at that. Everyone should watch it.

Not sure what I will start next...reading a Michael Connelly book now. Picked it up at Salem's awesome public library -- there's a cafe in the library!

Also found a great used book store in West Salem, Readers Guide. Am going back and picking up these two books from a crime series based in the French countryside. The first one sounds familiar so I may already have read it.

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