Monday, February 3, 2014

Bush, LA to Gonzales, TX

Couple of things you don’t want to forget when you start a long car/RV trip with a cat…cut the cat’s nails!  The back of my legs can attest to how important this is. Also, before you dump the cat’s litter box, make sure she’s used it.  

Gracie is a very good cat, potty-wise. But she was so stressed on her harness (not sure why because we use it all the time), that she peed as Derron was struggling to bring her into Filbert (our RV). I think I managed to get it all up, quickly, but if not…we’ll be stopping for some hydrogen peroxide at some point.  I have a tried and true method for cleaning cat urine from carpet or any other surface. Mix 8 oz of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tsp of baking soda, and 1 tsp of dishwashing liquid together, gently, in a plastic bowl. Work it into the stain and dab with a clean towel. 

We got off with few hitches. Derron forgot the huge tub of dog food in the pantry…fortunately we have an extra bag in my car truck. He also forgot Gracie’s cat food feeder…she won’t be happy to eat out of a bowl that can’t “produce” more food as she eats it.

We got my car hooked up to Filbert with a U-haul tow dolly…God help us. Filbert has a rear camera so we can keep an eye on it. I really, really hope we don’t lose my car.

And we're finally, really off -- Day 1: Bush, LA to Gonzales, TX

There are no rest areas on 1-12/I-10 between Baton Rouge and the Texas border. More of Governor Jindal’s infrastructure failures? When you’re traveling with two dogs, you need rest areas. 

Hazelnut, our skittish Lab mix was not happy about the rest area that we finally happened upon. Too many people, too many trucks, too much noise. Hopefully she gets used to it or we’re in for a very long trip.

Nutella, our Basset mix is a real trooper. She did enough at the rest area for four dogs. Seriously!

Gracie, the cat…well that’s another story. She’s still searching for the perfect hidey-hole to settle in and wait out this God-awful misadventure.

Both dogs are now cuddled up on the couch taking a nap. I’ll bet they’re hoping when they wake up we’ll be in Oregon.

The drive from around Lake Charles to Houston is pretty dismal. Not much to see aside from Adult Emporium signs, tractor stores, and around Houston, a lot of traffic. A friend just told me Texas gets real boring after San Antonio. Oh great. Something to look forward to tomorrow.

We arrived at the Hillshade RV Park near Gonzales around 7:30. We picked this park based on recommendations on and because of this disclaimer and image on their web site:

Safe Space, Y’all

Everyone is welcome at Hill Shade RV Park. We are small. We are country. And we are fully and completely accepting of every person who crosses our driveway.

Well Michael, the host, was indeed very nice and welcoming. He's Texas born and bred but is a Minnesota Vikings fan...Derron liked that!

We learned something really quick though when we tried to set's a lot easier in daylight. We are going to shoot for a daytime arrival at the next park.

Time now for some tuna casserole, a cup of hot chocolate...then some zzzzzzz.

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