Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 3 – Van Horn, TX to Casa Grande, AZ

Caveat -- For those that have encouraged me (us) to enjoy the ride…let me clue you in on something. I am married to a man that used to drive from Washington, DC to Loman, MN (near the Canadian border… because that’s home) straight through. He drove 24 hrs straight. That is my world right now. Derron's middle name is "push through".

Additional Caveat -- The WiFi is soooooo slow at the Casa Grande RV Resort that I cannot upload pictures. I will have to catch up tomorrow providing the WiFi there is adequate.

Comments about yesterday's stay at the Desert Willow RV Park in Van Horn…no reason to ever come back. As I said in yesterday’s post, it’s nothing more than a parking lot with good showers. Slowest Wi-fi I could ever imagine.  And no AT&T 4G service. Derron complained about not having cable channels until he realized a cable had come loose…then what did he watch? Three episodes of Big Bang Theory that he had seen 100 times before.  Not much more to say. Oh wait…to the reviewer who said, “Just a faint sound of traffic” and the other who said, “Some train noise”…turn up your hearing aids!!!!  I heard three trains loud and clear before 9 PM and several times during the night. And I could hear the highway traffic as if was right outside my window (which it was BTW).

Somehow we both did get a good night’s sleep; I medicated. I had both dogs with me in the bed and Derron had the couch bed with Gracie. I did wake up a few times because of the train…which when we woke this morning, we could see was only a stone’s throw from the park.

In the morning, we decided to try the showers out. Bingo! Clean, heated, spacious, and just what we needed to get the day started. The weather here in Van Horn is very cold…about 20 degrees. 

No luck getting Hazelnut to do her business at the park so we’ll have to stop somewhere close by once we hit the road. Speaking of the "road", we picked up a ton of those annoying and painful burrs on our shoes...I have been stepping on them with bare feet inside all day!

I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Not the best job I ever did but it was hot and hit the spot. It’s a bit cramped trying to cook with other one person and three pets moving about. I have to keep reminding Derron when he takes something out, he needs to put it back. Things can get very chaotic very quickly.

We got on the road early today, about 8:30. Just past Van Horn, we hit Mountain Time. We’re projected to get in at our next stop at around 4:00 depending on how many breaks/stops we take. The next stop is a RV resort. I tried to book a variety of parks on this trip so we could see just what we want to stay in long term in Oregon. This place has a “bark park” for the dogs. I think both of them are about ready to do some running.

Okay, probably TMI but…today we stopped at a rest area outside El Paso. As usual I told Derron to let me know how it was before I ventured in – I hate roadside bathrooms. He came back and said the roof didn't cover the whole building so he had 20 degree (or colder) winds whipping around him the whole time he was in there using the facilities. He told the dogs, "Now I know how you two feel!”

Almost noon and it’s still freezing cold. Temps in Las Cruces – 36. Suppose to be in the 50s in Casa Grande. Beautiful mountain ranges from El Paso west. In New Mexico, many of the overpasses are painted in southwest color schemes. Not my taste but at least they are colorful.

We arrived in Casa Grande at around 4:30. Nice park but very crowded. We got the very last spot available. Completely did not occur to me that this is the high season in Arizona, thus the crowds of snowbirds. But they have free waffles in the morning so who can complain about the crowds.

The dogs enjoyed being off leash in the dog park. Hazelnut kept throwing herself onto the dusty dirt...she looked about three shades lighter when we left the park. She did that along roadsides in New Mexico and Arizona too. Who knew she liked dusty dirt. Nutella appealed to every human in the park for attention. You'd think no one at home loved her.

We took a walk after dinner...oh BTW the microwave broke. Lovely. No one was around...we found them all in the dining room playing bingo.  A snowbird park may not be our thing but you can't beat the quiet. No hardcore partiers here.

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