Sunday, February 2, 2014

Organization Is Key!

Living in a small space, for a short time, or like us...for possibly a few months, organization is key to keeping your sanity.

There are things we need to have in the RV, close at hand, and then there are things we need to be able to get to. My job in packing Filbert was to worry about the things we needed close at hand. Food for a 5-8 day trip and clothes for the same. Dishware, cookware, towels, bed linens, dog/cat food, blankets, and toys. Technology and all its accouterments (fancy word for cables, extension cords, batteries, etc.). Toiletries, shower kits, and valuables that cannot be stored elsewhere.

Storage bins are the solution to staying organized. I thought I would have to buy a lot, but when we started breaking down the pantry, I found I had more than enough.

First up was to secure the dry food: pasta, cereal, sauces, canned and other boxed items. I stored these over the sink.

Plastic containers (Tupperware, etc.) and glass storage items went above the couch.

Next came storage bags, RV literature and service records, catch-all items like batteries, pens, extra light bulbs, etc. I also stored some oven/range top items here like cooking sprays.

Then came dishware, tea bags, drink mixes, sugar, salt and pepper...and my salt pig. I go nowhere without my salt pig.

Next, snacks and drinkware.

Above the bed I stored valuables, extra toiletries, medicine and first aid items, and extra socks, hats, gloves, and bed linens.

The closet (not pictured) is full of jeans, fleeces, and well as blankets and towels. Under the bed are containers full of pre-matched clothes for the road and a couple bins of more clothes in case we need to switch some stuff out.  In a cube with a lid (that we also use for a footstool), are all our shoes for the trip. The rest of our shoes will be stored in a Rubbermaid container either under the RV or in my car.

Pots and pans - just what we need for the trip, are packed under the stove. Some will be left behind at the house, but we'll store some in the car too. The RV has a small range top...some of my cookware is entirely too large to be used. And the oven is about the size of an Easy-Bake I don't need to bring my large cookie sheets.

I've yet to load up the fridge and freezer...later today. But we're off to a really good start. None of the cabinets are bulging...and that's good.

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