Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Keeping An Eye On The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

3+ more months in this tin can. Whatever will we do? The dogs want to run outside every time they see someone...as they always did in Bush. We took them for a long walk this morning but nothing seems to be enough. Poor pups. We broke down and took them to the dog park in Keizer. They had so much fun. We met a guy there that was stationed at Hahn Air Base in Germany, just before we got to Ramstein in 2001. Great conversation on German culture, herding dogs (he has a miniature Aussie), and the evolution of Hahn into an international airport.


I miss my comfy couches...and better lighting. I've never been one to lie on a bed and read or watch TV. Just not comfortable enough. But the couch in the RV is sooooo uncomfortable.

When we do laundry, we go sit in the park office for the 30 mins the wash cycle takes...I bring my book and curl up in the big leather chairs there. Something like home...We've been running errands for the dryer's hour long cycle, but maybe next time I just keep on reading.

We're still trying to find things to do, cheaply, during the day. We're going to check out a second run theater this week...I miss those kinds of places. Didn't have one on the northshore. One is playing Hitchcock's Suspicion and another his Rear Window. I've seen Rear Window many times but never on a large screen.

There are a couple of museums here we plan to check out as well...couple of old homes that have been preserved and a Mental Health Hospital museum -- creepy.

We wound up checking out a bunch of thrift stores today -- Erin/Mari/Mom -- when you come down we will have to hit the UGM store, Restore, and Resale 2U. Lots of great stuff...if only I had the room to work on them and store them.


What a difference a couple of days and some sunshine will do. Here's a before and after picture of the large dog area here in the park. Couple more days like this and we'll be able to take the dogs down there. 



We found a little hole in the wall Mexican place we want to try. We had a great one in Covington and miss it a lot. Here's hoping Garibaldi's on Edgewater measures up to El Porto!

In the meantime we keep looking for and applying for jobs. Derron's being considered for one with the Jefferson School District. Keep your fingers and toes crossed! I am working on an application for one at a local community college...managing an international program. Again, fingers and toes!

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