Sunday, March 2, 2014

Life Continues

Another rainy day. We're getting used to it. We've gotten the layering thing down...long sleeved shirt, long sleeved fleece, rain coat. The dogs are wondering why they don't have layers. All I can say about that is...I am tired of drying off dogs!

We're also falling into a routine of sorts. We walk the dogs first thing...we try to give them a long walk in the morning and again in the afternoon...and fill in and finish up as needed.

We make breakfast and tea. Derron's still loving his Keurig. I guess I lost that bet. I thought for sure he'd tire of it in a week. I don't like the tea it makes so I stick to iced tea or I make mine the old fashioned way, with a tea kettle.

Following breakfast on most days, we check job web sites. We've applied for so many that I'm finding it difficult to keep them all straight. I am going to have to devise a way.

Derron then spends most of his days playing computer games and "listening" to the TV. I would like to spend more time reading than on my computer but I can't read with the TV on...and as I've said before, there's no escaping the's a small RV.

So today I went downtown to spend some time in a coffee shop. It was my intention to go to The Beanery, but it was jam, packed full. So I wandered down the street and stopped in at Cafe Shine instead. Nice place, but I couldn't figured out why it wasn't as crowded as The Beanery. It could be because it just opened and word was not out about it yet (the Barista was quite talkative). The tea was good and the marionberry scone was delish...then I started seeing the signs. And don't anyone get the wrong idea...I have NOTHING against religion, or one's expression of it, or one's choice to not have religion in their life...but I googled the cafe and found that it is owned and operated by the Salem House of Prayer. Salem House of Prayer - which seems like a nice enough Christian organization, self-affiliates with MorningStar organization run by televangelist Rick Joyner. According to some sources: "Televangelist Joyner is convinced that a second revolution or a military coup are the only options left to fight President Obama, who he claims is threatening government officials - including Chief Justice John Roberts - with blackmail."

Like I said, I have no problem with religion...but I do have a problem with wingnut conspiracy theories and I won't pay into further dissemination of such conspiracies.

On a less philosophical note, we have a neighbor. Derron said he saw a woman dumping bag after bag of trash this morning...adding that it seemed a little weird. Well guess what? She and family have moved in next door. Looks like 2 guys and her. And the guys are loud. Please let them not be crazy rednecks. Let them be like most of the folks here...quiet, keep to yourself types. Most people we've encountered here have been super nice. No complaints. And I'm probably thinking the worst of the new arrivals...but again, they're loud. And it was so nice to have most of this row to ourselves with views out of every window. No doubt it's only a matter of time until we have neighbors on the other side too. Then we'll just have the unobstructed view out back.

I'm wishing we could start house hunting NOW!


We tried out the hole in the wall Mexican place, Garibaldi's, in West Salem. While Derron was in the bathroom, the waitress brought the standard complimentary salsa (very good BTW) and BEAN DIP. Derron was one happy camper when he saw it. The food was as good as our favorite place in Covington (El Porto), portions were about the same, and the food came out just as quick. The guacamole could have used a twist of lime, but otherwise we were both happy with our meals.

Sorry for the bad pic. Derron had already started on the beans and I on the cabbage...we were hungry.


Tomorrow we're off to Rickreal, a small town nearby, for a large, indoors (good thing cuz it's suppose to rain like HELLLLLLZA) flea market.

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