Friday, February 28, 2014

Missing Germany A Little Today

Gratuitous Pet Picture

My two birdwatchers. Funny how a common goal can bring enemies together.


Thursday: Guess what? It's raining again in the northwest. Who'da thunk? 

We had to go get some dog food today...if you remember from an earlier blog, Derron left 50-60 lbs of some behind in Bush. Fortunately it's in a sealed container and should be fine when we pack up the house. We tried to get the dogs to eat grass, but go figure, they turned their noses up at it. So off to Petco we went. $54.99 for 27 lbs of food. We were a little shell-shocked because we accumulated points/money at Camp Bow Wow for doggie daycare...and always used those points/money for their food. 

On the way out of Petco, Derron spotted a buffet. Oy. I hate buffets. Too many surfaces, too many people, too many opportunities for germ transfer. But all morning Derron had worked on reorganizing the RV. He did an exceptionally good job. So I sucked it up and in we went. He thoroughly enjoyed himself. I guess that is all that matters.

Sharon from the RV park office stopped by yesterday. Seems we're getting a lot of mail here...well, yes, we did have it she suggested we get a box so we could get our mail even when the office is closed. So we did. Living in this tin can feels so much more permanent now. Arghhhhhhh!


Friday: Beautiful day in Salem. We took the dogs to a dog park in Independence. Closer than the one in Keizer. They had a ball. Literally. Derron played Chuck-it with Hazelnut and I tossed a ball, emphasis on "a" ball, for Nutella. She took it from there. She is the most entertaining dog when she has a ball. She had me laughing and almost falling over. Good therapy after a rainy day in the tin can the day before.

After dog time we took a drive to Mount Angel for their annual Wurstfest. Beautiful drive...lots of fields with mountain views...orchards, hazelnut groves, and blueberry farms. Mount Angel is a small town devoted to its Swiss/German heritage. The Wurstfest was held in the town's Festhalle. They also have a large Weingarten, several German restaurants and pubs in town, and a large Benedictine Abbey overlooking the town. Later in the year they host an Oktoberfest and a Hazelnut Fest. Guess which one we'll be sure to attend?

We shared a table at the fest with a couple of nice, old ladies. One tried to talk us in to moving to Alaska. She'd moved there when she first married her husband, thinking it was just a phase he needed to go through. They wound up staying 38 years! She gave me her card and said to stop by next time we're in Gresham (near Portland). She said..."Just remind me you're the nice couple I talked to about Alaska." How sweet.

Here's Derron in front of the Mt. Angel Festhalle.

Inside the and food to the right, polka band in front, and vendors to the left. 

The mural in the front ran the whole length of the hall. 

Not for nothing...but are these not the cutest cookies you've ever seen?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Today Was a Good Day

Gratuitous Pet Picture

Now that we have a view out back, Nutella's decided the best place in the tin can is between the big, overstuffed pillows on the bed.


We had to move the RV (again). The space we were in was meant to be temporary - a sort of shelter from the rising river. Surprisingly, the first space we were in, never flooded. So never needed to move in the first place. But...we're suppose to be good in this space until June. God that seems so far off.

Here are some pics of our new home. We're in front of the levee...a great place to walk the dogs. Behind the levee is a walking trail - even better for the dogs, but it is still under water in places so it will be a while before we can use it.

Decorated the old homestead with a tiny shamrock windmill...for St Paddy's Day and our 14th wedding anniversary! Birdie -- yes, those are the two plants (on the side of the RV, behind the stairs) you fostered for me. We had them in the shower but I decided they needed air as well as light. Derron brings them in every night like a good boy.

We need to get a couple of bird feeders for our new home. This area is full of songbirds. Derron wants to put one right outside the back window so Gracie can sit on the bed pillows and watch them.


Was missing my girls today so went to pick them up from day care an hour early. I was so pleased when Shelby told me Hazelnut had a great day! She seemed to trust everyone there and relaxed enough to play with all the dogs in the room. 6 visits...that's what it took. She was so cute when they brought her and Nutella out...she jumped up and gave me a big kiss -- well a big kiss for Hazelnut! Poor Nutella looked like she wanted to go home and take a nap...which she did...all wrapped up in her favorite fuzzy blanket. 

They both have become such cuddle bunnies. Hazelnut never cuddled on the bed. Now she rearranges everything on the bed to suit her. Even if it means burying Nutella under a pile of pillows (which by the way, suits Nutella just fine). The other night I got up to use the bathroom, and when I came back, she'd jumped into my spot and hunkered down. It's no easy feat moving a 65 lb dog, but I did it. No way she was pushing me out of the bed!


Today (Thursday) is rainy...surprise. But tomorrow is suppose to be warm and sunny so we are going to Mt Angel for the day (thanks for the tip, mom!) for their annual WURSTFEST!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Keeping An Eye On The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

3+ more months in this tin can. Whatever will we do? The dogs want to run outside every time they see they always did in Bush. We took them for a long walk this morning but nothing seems to be enough. Poor pups. We broke down and took them to the dog park in Keizer. They had so much fun. We met a guy there that was stationed at Hahn Air Base in Germany, just before we got to Ramstein in 2001. Great conversation on German culture, herding dogs (he has a miniature Aussie), and the evolution of Hahn into an international airport.


I miss my comfy couches...and better lighting. I've never been one to lie on a bed and read or watch TV. Just not comfortable enough. But the couch in the RV is sooooo uncomfortable.

When we do laundry, we go sit in the park office for the 30 mins the wash cycle takes...I bring my book and curl up in the big leather chairs there. Something like home...We've been running errands for the dryer's hour long cycle, but maybe next time I just keep on reading.

We're still trying to find things to do, cheaply, during the day. We're going to check out a second run theater this week...I miss those kinds of places. Didn't have one on the northshore. One is playing Hitchcock's Suspicion and another his Rear Window. I've seen Rear Window many times but never on a large screen.

There are a couple of museums here we plan to check out as well...couple of old homes that have been preserved and a Mental Health Hospital museum -- creepy.

We wound up checking out a bunch of thrift stores today -- Erin/Mari/Mom -- when you come down we will have to hit the UGM store, Restore, and Resale 2U. Lots of great stuff...if only I had the room to work on them and store them.


What a difference a couple of days and some sunshine will do. Here's a before and after picture of the large dog area here in the park. Couple more days like this and we'll be able to take the dogs down there. 



We found a little hole in the wall Mexican place we want to try. We had a great one in Covington and miss it a lot. Here's hoping Garibaldi's on Edgewater measures up to El Porto!

In the meantime we keep looking for and applying for jobs. Derron's being considered for one with the Jefferson School District. Keep your fingers and toes crossed! I am working on an application for one at a local community college...managing an international program. Again, fingers and toes!

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Reality Begins To Sink In

Interruption before posting: We've sprung another leak.  That God we're not a boat! Derron's on it and back to his usual vigilance. He'd slacked off after fixing (we hope) the first one.


If all goes accordingly with our house sale, we'll be living in this tin can for another 3 months at the least, possibly longer depending on how long it takes us to find jobs, close on the house, turn our VA paperwork around, and find a house. Once we get to the point when we've found a house, Derron or I will return to Bush to supervise packing our belongings...If we've already closed on the house by then and have the keys, furniture or no furniture, I'm moving in to it.

If it were just the two of us here, we would probably spend good parts of the day out of the tin can. But with the dogs with us, we're kind of stuck here so they can get their walks when they need them. Thankfully, they go to The Dog Bark tomorrow...just when the rain is suppose to return. We've had 4 days of sunshine and are feeling spoiled. We're going to move the RV next week...where we are is great for access to the bath house, but the views are not as good as in other parts of the park. If we can get in a row near the levee, walking the dogs will be easier. I think part of the problem I've been having with my back lately is related to walking them...well, rather the way they pull me along on their walks. I just mentioned this to Derron and he's vetoed it (again). Obviously I have some more convincing to do.

There seems to be a rhythm to this park, as I am sure there is one for every park. Everyone seems to sleep in. Derron and I are up typically around 7 or earlier. When we take the dogs out in the morning, there is not a sound to be heard.

Yesterday was the very first day we saw anyone milling about. Some people were readying their rigs for departure, others were moving to a new spot, and still others seemed to be enjoying the sunshine.

We never see anyone in the evening. We've run into 2 people in the laundry room but that's about it. Maybe things will change closer to summer...Dear GOD don't wish for us to still be here in the summer!

Our realtor is continuing to show our house. We can take back-up offers should the one under contract fall through. They did their inspection on Friday...we're waiting to see the report. Wonder who they used...the guy that did ours when we bought the house emailed it from his phone when he was done.

I mentioned the naturally it started raining. We walked the dogs down by the levee. The fence to the large dog area is barely visible again. The water had been receding at a good pace. Hopefully rain today and tomorrow won't have much of an impact.

I threw my back out again this morning...just shifting in bed, nothing more dramatic. I think I need to start doing some exercises to strengthen my back. I'm tired of all the strains and pulls...

Friday, February 21, 2014

All Work And No Play...

Gratuitous Pet Picture

Bored dog is ...bored.


I told you yesterday he was on a tear...he's obsessed with moisture now.

He looked up tips being crack the vents at night. WORKED! No condensation on the windows this morning. But we had to run the heat all night because the temperature had dropped. 



We spent all morning applying for jobs and gathering info on employment agencies here. We've decided every morning will be spent job-hunting. So now we're ready for "play"...specifically, a trip to the Cinebarre to see The Monuments Men.

Arghhhhh! I hated Monuments Men! Sentimental schmaltz!!!! Someone out there tell me the book does not read like the script from a Hogan's Heroes episode/Indiana Jones movie. I think the attempts at humor took away from the dignity of their task. 2 hours of my life gone...gone...gone!

But fortunately we found a Lebanese fast food place beforehand so I didn't have to endure it on an empty stomach...I had the Mama Ghanouj. Stuffed grape leaf, falafel, baba ganouj, hummus, and salad. Hummus was creamy and garlicky! Baba ghanouj was a tad bit underseasoned but still good. Yummy grape leaf and falafel.  Derron had a chicken kebob. Not bad for fast food.

Later in the evening I went to the monthly Marion County Democrats Central Committee meeting in downtown Salem. Nice bunch of on the issues. A representative from Ceasefire Oregon spoke about current legislation. The governor's Communications Director was there too and had a lot to add to the conversation.

I made some contacts and will probably get involved in some way. They seem to need the most help with communications and social media. They have no Twitter account...yeegads!


We woke up to sunshine this morning so we decided to find a dog park and let the dogs run for a while. We found one in Keizer, just a short drive away. But the address of the park and our GPS didn't mix, so we had to pull out maps and find it the old fashioned way. 4 acres of grassy area...the dogs were so happy. They ran and played until their tongues dragged the ground. And then they rolled over and over in the dirt. It's ok...they're dogs, what else would they do?

They're sleeping soundly now!

This morning, I applied for a job with Cover Oregon, the Oregon implementation program for the Affordable Care Act. We'll see what happens. I figure (1) it keeps my resume current, (2) gets me out of the RV, and (3) allows me to do some more networking.

I think we'll take it easy the rest of the day...maybe walk down to the gym and do something for 30 mins or so.  Then watch a movie on Netflix. The dogs will be down for a no worries there.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Condensation Is Your Enemy

Gratuitous Pet Pictures

Gracie gives Derron computer advice.

Is that sunshine on the cat? Yes, Gracie basks in the sun in her new favorite spot...the driver's seat.


Mack, my friend, you've created a monster. Every morning Derron is up checking every surface, crack, and crevice for moisture. It's only a matter of time until he rolls me out of bed and onto the floor to check the back window!

The rain stopped for a while this morning, so he got outside, dried the areas worrying him, and sprayed away with clear colored Flex-Seal. Then it started raining again. Hopefully it was on there long enough beforehand. If not, it's suppose to be clear Friday...when no doubt, he will start again. In the meantime, I keep wiping every trace of water off surfaces before he sees them and goes berserk. 

On another note, I lied when I said we didn't buy anything at Ikea. We stocked up on candy bars...3 for $2.49. Who could resist...Hazelnut Chocolate Bars.

Here are some promised pictures of our new location (post-high water warning) in the park. Not as picturesque as slot number 113, but when it's pouring rain...close proximity to the bath house is nice.

Yes, that is sunshine bouncing off the Tioga's window.

Later in the day there will be a huge Snap-on Tools truck parked next to us. He leaves every morning at 7...lights a-blazing!

That is the bath house on the right.

Well, the pups are at The Dog Bark today. We had enough of walking them in the rain yesterday...and wouldn't you know it, mostly clear skies today. Surely when we have them home tomorrow, it will be pouring again.

We took a ride through West Salem today...looking at neighborhoods and taking note of houses for sale. We have decided this is probably the neighborhood we want to live in...close to amenities and just 5 minutes to downtown.

Lots of craftsman-style houses there. Not craftsman...but craftsman-like. And lots of earth tones. Houses are close together, not necessarily something we're looking for, but choosing a house is all about compromise, yes?

Stopped in at Hawaiian Time for lunch. It's an Oregon chain of Hawaiian-themed fast food restaurants. Pretty good. I had the Honolulu Plate...essentially Beef Bulgogi. Well seasoned. Derron had the Mauna Loa Chicken (in a sweet and spicy lava sauce). It's the first really spicy dish he's had in a good while.

Living in a small, cramped space truly is difficult. In every house we've lived in, Derron and I have had our separate space and separate bathrooms. So not having that luxury is rough. I can go into the bedroom and be alone, but I have to put on headphones to drown out the TV Derron has to have on all the time. I watch two TV shows, and I can view both having the TV on is not important to me. I prefer the quiet...or watching Netflix with my headphones on.

We fight a lot and complain a lot. And we have 3 more months of this. Fortunately the exercise room re-opened today (after some maintenance). So we have that place to retire to...on our own so the other can have some quiet time in the RV. Also as the weather improves, we can move outside. We brought deck chairs with us...We also have the car. I am going to a Marion County Democrats meeting tomorrow night to meet some locals and network. It's difficult juggling the job search, time with the pets, RV maintenance time, time together, and time apart...but we have to find a way...or we'll kill each other. Then who will take care of our pets?

Finished Season 2 of House of Cards. No spoilers. Enjoyed it thoroughly but don't believe it's a real reflection of typical DC politics...maybe more of the exception. As a former federal civil servant, I can attest to the fact that the American people give our government far too much credit (regarding what they are capable of). Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are the most diabolical couple on TV. Period.

I also watched the Mitt movie on Netflix. I'll leave it at that. Everyone should watch it.

Not sure what I will start next...reading a Michael Connelly book now. Picked it up at Salem's awesome public library -- there's a cafe in the library!

Also found a great used book store in West Salem, Readers Guide. Am going back and picking up these two books from a crime series based in the French countryside. The first one sounds familiar so I may already have read it.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Angie Called It...Things Will Happen

Gratuitous Pet Picture

Doesn't she look like we caught her commandeering the RV? Looks like she trying to figure out how to pilot it back to Bush.


Dropped the dogs off at The Dog Bark. Day three. We were hoping Hazelnut would have calmed down more. She did but was still reluctant. Shannon, the day manager, who's been off for a few days, took control. She told us to leave and she'd get Hazelnut into the dog room. And she did.

Stopped at Don's Restaurant for a quick bite before heading to Portland for the day. Derron had the Berlin omelette - German sausage, onions, peppers, and cheese. I had the standard breakfast and I am happy to report...they can make soft scrambled eggs here in Salem!

So on to Portland. First stop........IKEA! I shopped at Ikea occasionally in Virginia when I lived there, but it was while we were in Germany that I became an IKEA-holic. I love their kitchen area and textiles. We didn't buy anything because, really...where would we put it?

We met my sister Erin in the St John's neighborhood. Driving in Portland reinforced to me why I prefer Salem...less traffic and congestion! And Portland has so many bridges. Did I mention I am scared of heights and certain kinds of bridges really put the fear of God in me?

We managed to get to Edelweiss so Derron could pick up the bacon stuffed bologna he'd been wanting. We picked up a couple cheese wurst too. I'd had them there before and while they are good, they are not as good as those our friends Chris and Silke get from their village butcher in Germany.

And now to why I titled this post as I did. My friend Angie and her husband Mack are RV aficionados. And they graciously gave us lots of advice before we left Louisiana for points west. The piece that sticks in my mind is one that Angie passed me in private...things will happen. Derron found a leak in the trim over the RVs cab. Mack warned us - based on recent experience - that we need to STOP any leak ASAP. So guess what? Off to Ace hardware again. Third time in two days. Lady at the check-out recognized us...and made fun of the fact that we didn't enroll in Ace's savers program YESTERDAY! We're idiots.

We had to take everything out of the overhead, clean it well, then put everything back...but everything had to stay forward so the damp area can dry. We picked up a sealer, after careful consultation with a store clerk (I pulled her aside and asked her to PLEASE help my husband so I wouldn't have to come back). But we cannot use it until it stops raining. Boy if that isn't a kick in the pants. It hasn't stopped raining for any real length since we got here. I'm so hating this.

But on a positive note...Derron gave the bacon stuffed bologna two enthusiastic thumbs up.

Another positive note...when we picked up the dogs, Hazelnut let Autumn put her leash on and gave Autumn a kiss. Three days is a record for Hazelnut. She usually takes a couple weeks before she accepts someone.

On a humorous note, my friend Mary Wilson passed me a link to a blog about little house particular, this posting on full time RV living. I was hooked until I realized they were living in a 400 sq ft RV...ours is less than 200 sq ft. What I would give for 200+ more sq ft! I could teach them about real little house living!!!!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Rainy Season...It Does Depress Us All

Gratuitous Pet Pictures

Ann Porter mentioned "Snakes On A Plane"...I give you "Snake In an RV".

Gracie, AKA "the Overwatcher", keeps an eye on the mutts.

The sun is out this morning and we're complaining about the glare on our computer screens. I keep reminding Derron that winter sunshine in Oregon is a rare event...we should cherish it. The dogs and cat certainly do. They quickly claimed all the sunspots in the RV.

The rain is difficult to deal with. As I've said before, it's deafening at night when I'm trying to sleep...we live in a tin can after all. And the fact that we have to walk the dogs 4-5 times a day, in the pouring rain, just makes it worse. The only time I don't mind it is when I'm curled up on the bed with the dogs, reading a book or working on my computer. I don't think I will ever get accustomed to having wet socks or wet pant hems...maybe it's time for some galoshes.

We headed off to the library today to work on résumés. My friend Billie passed some good advice the other day...and I paraphrase...take the job that fits your lifestyle rather than the other way around. I've been thinking about that and believe it's maybe revolutionized the way I'm looking at the job hunt now. We moved to Oregon to be near family, but also to simplify our lives and to spend more time out of doors. So what is my ideal lifestyle?

I want to spend time with Derron and the pets. I don't want to be chained to a desk all day. I want free time to do fun things like walk/hike, eat out, explore Salem and the surrounding area, and visit with family - and not just on the weekends. I don't want to care more about my job than anything else. I don't want to get involved in office politics. I do want to support causes that matter to me: efforts to combat domestic violence, veterans advocacy, efforts to elect more women, women's reproductive rights and rights in general, organic foods and sustainability, equality, etc.

So what does that mean? Non-profit jobs don't pay well but how much is enough? Derron's figured out what we need to make...pre-house sale in Bush and post. Full time non-profit jobs, especially for people like me with some volunteer (versus paid) non-profit experience, are few and far in between. So maybe I cobble together a couple part-time jobs to fit my needs and address more than one of the causes I care about? We have cheap and wholly adequate insurance through the military, so benefits are not big issues for either of us. Food for thought.

Speaking of the house in Bush...we got an offer today. It was low-ball but we countered and hope things work out. It will be nice to have that taken care of so we can move on to getting something permanent here. I put Derron in charge of the real estate hunt (since I'm running the employment stuff). He found a great neighborhood in West Salem...less than 10 minutes from downtown, 5 really if there's no traffic. We drove around it today and saw lots of houses for sale and lots of "open houses". We decided not to go to any of the "open houses"...didn't want to fall in love with something we are not yet prepared to buy.

Northwest Tidbit

You know you're in the northwest when you can charge your electric car in Walgreens parking lot.

We had lunch today at a Salem landmark, White's Restaurant. Been here since 1936! They make a mean egg salad sandwich. Derron had the pictured here.

Off to Portland tomorrow for the day...a stop at Edelweiss for some souped-up bologna (for Derron, not me)...a meet up with my sister, Erin...and who knows what else.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Water Is Rising

Saturday evening interruption before posting:

As my friend, and RV veteran, Angie said when we were planning our RV adventure and life, "Something will go wrong".

The day started out great. We were organized, were working well together...on the job search that is...then calamity struck. We lost power on one side of the RV. After SEVERAL hours of internet searches, chats with the park maintenance guy, and TWO trips to Ace's finally back on. I won't bore anyone with the details. The process was incredibly tedious. Suffices to say we needed a nap afterward.


Friday - Valentine's Day:

I posted pictures yesterday of the Willamette's rising waters. It's at the bottom of the shortest levees now. I don't expect it to breach the levee, but what do I know? I just wonder how long it will take to recede.

It's been raining, on and off, ever since we arrived. Most parts of the day it's clear. The heaviest rains come at night. I always loved the sound of rain on the roof, even a metal roof like we have in Bush...but it's a completely different story when it's hitting hard on the roof of this tin can. Some nights it's hard to fall asleep with all the racket.

We've been running around a lot lately but are going to stay put today. We have loads of laundry to do, some cleaning and upkeep tasks here in the tin can...and the dogs are still dog-tired from their long day at The Dog Bark yesterday.

We went out for Indian food for Valentine's Day. First up on the list of Indian restaurants to try was India Palace. We gave it 3.5 out of 5 stars. Good but we weren't bowled over. There are several others to try. We're hoping at least one will be a 5!

Derron thought the hot sauce that came with the Pappadams packed the right amount of heat. Unfortunately, the Chicken Vindaloo did not.

I loved the mint sauce that accompanied the Pappadams. My Butter Chicken was good, but the Roti I ordered never materialized.


I thought I'd provide some insights to "Life in the RV Park".

There is an odd mix of subcultures here. Makes me think dry-camping's the way to go. When Derron and I decide, in the future, to take a weekend off and RV, we think maybe a day or two dry-camping (with no hook-ups) will be fun. We're self-contained. We have a generator, propane, water tanks...a toilet and a shower, so there's nothing we can't do unplugged. I would think dry-camping is the real way to see America. But we also think, and I'm sure ALL the pets would agree, we'd be better off without them. Now that we found The Dog Bark, which also provides boarding services, the dogs would vote to stay there. And if we're gone only a couple of days, Gracie would indeed say..."LEAVE ME HOME!". Or we could get a cat-sitter for longer trips.

All that said, there is some benefit, and sense of comfort, to staying in an RV park. We have a great bath house, a movie theater (of sorts), a DVD lending library, an exercise and game room, a 24-hour laundry room, and dog parks. And there are social opportunities. More for me than Derron...because I'm the social butterfly in this relationship.

There are a good number of return campers here...most probably over 60-65. There are a lot of dog owners kids yet that I've seen...but this isn't really kid vacation time either.

The place is full of gardeners. Some rigs are surrounded by potted plants. A couple of these rigs are close to the water and yesterday, I watched a couple pack up all their plants. Note to self -- keep belongings down to the bare necessities. I have two plants with us as well but for now, they are living in the shower stall - light comes in from the top. They seem happy. But if the weather improves, I will move them outside. But I will not add plants...two is enough to have to grab in a hurry.

Then there's the couple down the lane that have fenced off their little plot of grass...they have a 9 month old Golden Retriever. Somehow I don't believe that fence will hold in that rambunctious pup. Yesterday the wife was surveying the river waters, just across the street from her rig, and I guess, making decisions about when to move...all the while blasting Fleetwood Mac from the inside of the rig. No complaints about the music.

Then there's the entitled crowd. These are people who've come here year after year and know everyone in the office by name. One guy is leaving today for a weekend back home in California...but he's leaving his rig here. So he's been making plans with the maintenance guy to move his rig for him. Not sure why he's not moving it himself, in anticipation...but yesterday while I was waiting for the maintenance guy, Robert, to get off his phone, entitled guy walked around me and caught Robert first...didn't matter I guess that I'd been standing there for 5 minutes or so. Then he engaged Robert in a detailed conversation for over 15 minutes, occasionally nodding in my direction, as if I were a prop or something. I should have said something but I truly thought he'd be quick with his rude interruption. I noticed too that the jacket he was wearing identified him as a member (or principal) in some Christian organization. I couldn't help but think his behavior was hardly Christian-like. There are others like him that walk right past you in the office to make themselves heard. Unbelievable.

And there's the invisible crowd. Their rigs are here, occasionally paired with a car or two, but no people.  Maybe they're off visiting friends or family? Or working? But it's kind of odd to walk past their rigs day after day, at all hours and never see a light on or hear a sound.

There's also a "greeter/waver" element here...those people who stand in their driveways and greet anyone that passes by. Or they wave. But they never walk over to the people passing by, or approach anyone else. They seem happy to sit in their spot and watch the world go by.

Well we got the call a little while ago...we have to move - apparently the river will be cresting at 27' this weekend. We were in a good 360 view spot, now we're in a back-in space, effectively closing off any rear view. We do have a privacy fence...and two plots of grass. Derron has said he will not move again should the "all-clear" call come. So I guess I will have to get used to things here. We do have a better pathway from the rig to some good areas for the dogs. And these are areas we've never explored so that's something.

We're going to go up to Portland on Monday to visit family and to pick up some cold cuts from Edelweiss...a little German deli. I went there for lunch with family last time I was here. They stock a lot of the kinds of items we used to buy when we lived in Germany. Derron saw it on an episode of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. The episode featured bacon-wrapped bologna. We're also going to pick up the boxes Direct TV sent my sister. When you cancel Direct TV, apparently no one can pick up your cable boxes, you can't drop them have to mail them to some central facility. WTH? Undoubtedly something will go very wrong with this...I can just feel it.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Settling In

Lots of excitement in our first two full days in Salem. Well, excitement in the sense that we had a lot to do.

First up, we had to get a vet referral so Nutella's vacs could be updated for doggie daycare. The vet, in Aumsville, about 16 miles from here, turned out to the the BEST vet ever. Normally it takes at least 2 techs and Derron to hold Nutella down - she's strong and wiggly. But the vet was in complete command. He let Nutella lick him in the face...that's something our vet in Abita never did. Seemed to have done the trick. BUT, before we went into the treatment room, she wiggled out of her harness and made a break for the waiting room. She didn't count on Derron catching her.

There's a great nature trail around the river at the end of the park. But since it's been raining non-stop and there's a lot of melted snow, the river is in danger of spilling over the banks (and the nature trail). We may have to move our campsite to a spot a little higher up. Once the water recedes, we're going to ask if we can move down by the river. The dogs have tired of the little dog park and we want to be closer to the other dog area, next to the trail.

For lunch yesterday we checked out a diner near the RV Park, Rock n' Rogers. Had a great chicken club. Then it was off to the grocery for veggies and to Kmart to pick up some tote bags for the shower room. We got to see quite a bit of Salem. There's a cinema downtown, the Cinebarre, that serves wine and food made from scratch - food made from scratch at a movie theater...this I have to check out. And it's across the street from a Lebanese restaurant. Yippee. And there are five, count them, five, Indian restaurants here. We are going to the India Place for Valentine's Day. It's the first Indian place we've found since moving back from Germany, that has Chicken Chili on the menu. It's Derron's favorite...and as the menu says, "only for the very brave".

We stopped at a battery store to replace my failing cellphone battery. The guy who waited on us provided more info about batteries that I ever thought possible.

Dropped the dogs off at 'The Dog Bark' this morning to have their temperaments evaluated for daycare. Fortunately, despite Hazelnut's hysterics, everything went well and they are there for the WHOLE day! We need some time away from them and they need time to play with reckless abandonment.

We went downtown after dropping the dogs off. We took these across the river from the RV park. The paddleboat is attached to a floating dock...I assume that's the only thing keeping it up.

Derron took a picture of me by a carousel statue. They have a really big indoor carousel just a few steps back.

We stopped in at The Beanery for tea and a bite to eat. The food was great and the tea even better. This is a shot of the outside of The Beanery (with the green awning) and a little of downtown Salem - there are 5 coffee shops (and I'm not counting Starbucks) within a 3 block radius. I took a picture of my biscuits and gravy but it didn't come out...but here's Derron having some tea and a black bean burrito.

We don't have anything to do until we pick the dogs up at 6:30...but of course I've been watching them both on the daycare webcam!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 8 - We're In Salem

We both felt as we entered Oregon yesterday that we’d made the right decision. Everything is green….there are hills and mountains everywhere, and although you still see corporate stamps around, they’re not all you see. We’ve seen lots of mom & pop places…so and so’s diner, so and so’s inn, etc. That’s such a nice change from most of the landscape we’ve crossed this past week.

Derron got his first taste of not being able to pump his own gas. We stopped at a truck stop outside Roseburg. I jumped out to make sure he had the back end of the RV lined up right and was met with a guy in a reflective vest…oh yeah! Forgot about that. And what a chatty guy he was. Fortunately I had to run in the store to use the bathroom, so Derron got stuck talking to him. Not sure how long it will take for Derron to adjust…for some reason, men have a lot of trouble letting go of the pump.

As we headed toward Eugene, we saw the snow and lots of it. But I-5 was clear so we didn't have any trouble at all. 

We dropped the tow dolly off in Corvallis and then headed for an RV park in Salem. We decided we needed to be near dog daycare and there are none in Corvallis that offer the services we need. We checked into the Premier RV Resorts. Nice place. Covered in snow. We're next to a small fenced dog area and there's one further down the road too.

The dogs got their first exposure to snow and I didn't have a camera! They were sooooo cute. Nutella took to it like a snow rabbit, and Hazelnut followed suit. Nutella pulled me down a hill, on my ass, and on the way back, Hazelnut almost did the same.

With the car unhooked now, we have some much needed mobility. We went downtown to check out The Dog Bark, a day care/boarding facility. We think it will work out just fine. Now we have to get Nutella's vaccinations up to date (got the renewal notice the day before leaving LA and there was no time). Once that's done...we can drop them off to see how they do.

Already started the job search here in Salem. There are government jobs and several commercial and university options as well. I also plan on heading down to Corvallis and checking out opportunities at Oregon State University too. I've already applied for four positions there so I will stop in at Human Resources to check on status.

Ideally we'd like to settle between Corvallis and Salem. There are lots of wide open space between the two as well as many small towns. But there are some good options in Salem proper too.

We have to take Nutella to the vet in a couple minutes. Once that's done, we're probably going to take a ride downtown and see what's's raining here now and the snow is melting, so may be easier to get around. It's not cold enough here for the snow/rain to freeze. Thank God.

Pictures tomorrow. I promise.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 6 - Stuck In Redding, CA

Who would have thought Oregon would get "feet" of snow dumped on it? We sure didn't. They get snow but not every winter, and not this much. We had hoped to be on the road this morning on the way to some part of southern Oregon. But it was not meant to be. We tried calling parks south of Roseburg (snow is north of there), but couldn't reach anyone. We made an online reservation for tomorrow for one in Myrtle Creek...hoping to hear back. We have to deliver the U-haul tow dolly by Wednesday in Corvallis, but considering that is the epicenter of the storm, we're thinking the place may be closed until then or maybe longer.

Fortunately the park we're in here in Redding, CA is a good one. Great showers. Great dog area just steps from our slot. Quiet despite it's right off I-5. Just wish it had the bar we had at the Bakersfield park. Oh well. We have vodka, wine, and cider on board so we can drink...but it would be nicer to have bar food to go along with drinks.

The park is eerily quiet. Not sure how many here are in the same holding pattern as us. We've seen only a couple people walking around but it is raining...

Kind of wishing we hadn't eaten the ice cream we bought yesterday...if we had just a tow bar for the car, we could unhook and take a drive into town. But what we have is much more complicated than a tow took Derron and the U-haul guy together to get the car on it and hooked up...I'm thinking I wouldn't be a good substitute for the U-haul guy, so we'll leave the car as it is and stay put.

Wait...wait...wait! I froze some chocolate chip cookie dough!  Yay! We can have cookies.

The dogs were all ready to hit the road but surprisingly (not) they've settled in on the couch and the bed and are sound asleep. The cat has found a good little snuggle spot too. I think they are all happy to sit still for a day. It'll probably be good for all of us.

We have cable and good WiFi here so we have something to do...important since it's been raining steady since we pulled in yesterday afternoon. It's chilly too but we have heat. Good water, sewer, and electric hookups here as well.

We may spend the day doing laundry...or may keep that for the next place we get stuck over at...

OK. Change of plans.

No laundry. No point in hauling it to the laundry room only to bring it back soaked. Since it's still pouring-ass raining.

We watched a movie on cable and had soup and grilled cheese sandwiches (and homemade chocolate chip cookies). Now what? I am beginning to understand what my friend Bonnie said about RVing. It's all about getting out of the RV. Well, that's a great point but we can't go anywhere...I already explained about the car, and we can't walk anywhere because of the weather. So we sit.

We took the dogs out and poor things are now soaking wet. They'll probably dry out and then it'll be time to walk again. Oh fun.

At least the good WiFi here allows for Netflix binge watching.  It's something to do while we pass the time waiting to hear from the RV park in Myrtle Creek...or if not there, then somewhere south of the snowstorm.

Update: Heard from the RV park in Myrtle Creek. We have a spot for tomorrow. Now let's hope the snow hasn't moved south!

We've managed for the day...not sure how we are going to live in this little tin can. Derron still hasn't gotten the hang of putting things away. It can get cluttered really fast. And with all the dog walking we've had to do today, we have wet clothes hanging on every available hook. So he had to pull out the dehumidifier. Argh!

Actually looking forward to the drive least it is something to do.

Well we'll be off in a few minutes...ready to see Oregon!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 5 - Bakersfield, CA to Redding, CA

Gratuitous Pet Picture

Nutella co-opted the cat's bed. There will be hell to pay.

First an observation: There is blight is every city and town in America. Whether it’s a result of the recession, loss of an indigenous industry, or Mother Nature, it’s there. But at home you stop seeing it after a while. It becomes a part of the scenery. When you travel across America, as we've been doing, it’s right there in your face, in all its forms, from the very subtle to the catastrophic.

We've seen closed and boarded up businesses, burned out buildings that make you wonder about arson, abandoned agricultural areas, and for lack of a better term, shanty town after shanty town. This country is in trouble.

What is constant is the usual suspect corporate stamps in every nook and cranny. Ross, JC Penney, Target, Best Buy, Wal-mart, Burger King, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, etc. When did the presence of corporate logos become the definition of civilization? It wasn't that long ago that a lit area - lights in the distance - represented civilization. And not in the neon sense of the word.

I have to wonder what visitors to this country must think when they see the blight. And what do they think when they see the same corporate logos in every single crossroad in America? Do we lack imagination? Are we too lazy to redefine civilization in a more imaginative and interesting way?

I love this country and am always amazed at its diversity and uniqueness until I stumble upon the 600th McDonald’s on the trip. Really? We can do better.

Derron and I have been reminiscing about traveling across country or state to state as kids…you’d see maybe one McDonald’s, one Howard Johnson’s or Holiday Inn, and it’d be a big deal. I remember seeing Stuckey’s signs and counting down the miles until we got there. I guess what I’m getting at is, there is no anticipation anymore. You know what you will see in every town and city in America…some sub-set of the same old corporate logos. It is sad.

Oh well, back to the trip...

Had a great night last night in the Bakersfield RV Resort. The place was beautiful. Grass and a tree at every site. Beautifully manicured. Restaurant/bar within walking distance. And the food was good. We had a quick snack there last night and breakfast there this morning. Speaking of breakfast – and my NYC friends will understand this – I always order my eggs soft scrambled.  And except for NYC diners, they never come out that way. But this morning…I had me some soft-scrambled eggs! And they were delish!!!! I let the waitress know just how much I appreciated the chef getting them right. I hope she passed that on to him/her.

Despite the fact that there was no dedicated pet area at the park, there were enough empty sites to walk the dogs around a good bit. I swear sometimes Nutella is a cadaver dog the way she catches a scent and does not give up.

Today we’re off to Redding, CA. We had a really, really long day yesterday. Lots of back roads, hills, mountains, bleak scenery. We had to have a couple drinks last night to take the edge off. But this morning we’re heading north in hazy weather. We’re passing through what appears to be the agricultural part of California…vineyards, orchards, dairies, etc. We’re in the San Joaquin valley, once the home of the enormous Tulare Lake. But as people settled here, and drew water away from the rivers that fed the lake, it dried up. While sad, I imagine the lake sediment is one reason this area is so fertile.

At a rest stop I read about a settlement here called Allensworth.  Allensworth was founded, financed, and governed by African Americans in 1908. You learn the most fascinating things at rest stops. BTW, the vending machines at the rest stops in Arizona were chained down...not so in California. What does that say about Arizona?

We’re on CA 99, a two-lane road flanked by the vineyards and orchards…and some small towns. Not a lot else to look at so we've picked up listening to a Sue Grafton mystery we started yesterday…easy “read” that allows you to drift in and out and not miss anything.

Glad to know there are still some activists in Central California. Just passed this sign: “Stop the theft. End the Federal Reserve”.  Damn revenuers!  Also passed an Am-Vets museum with an old bomber and an F-4 on display in the parking lot. Derron loves any opportunity to look at Air Force stuff. We've passed three Air Force bases on the trip – Davis-Monthan, Luke, and Edwards. At each we take a little time to find out the mission and what kind of aircraft is there.

I had been amazed that we've not seen any stray animals along the trip…then saw a dog. But someone was already pulled over trying to snatch it up. Good thing because I don’t think we can handle another dog in our close quarters.

The weather has cleared. Sun is out…the way it should be here in California. The vineyards and orchards (and apparently nut and olive groves too) are vast…they must be beautiful when in bloom. At the ends of the orchard rows are boxes of bees just waiting to do their thing.

Been seeing a lot of trains here in the west. Reminds me we need a high speed train system in this country…and based on recent train accidents, we need to overhaul the current rail beds. Lots of containers moving about…wonder what’s in them all. Probably more cheap crap made in China.

Got to the JGW RV Park around 4:30. Great park. Well laid out but no bar. They put us right next to the dog park...great because it's been raining since we arrived. The winds kicked up as soon as Derron got everything hooked up. We shook and wiggled all night. I was sure we would topple over...but it's morning now and we're still upright.

The weather calls for rain all the way to the border. We think we can make it into snowbound Oregon but not as far as we had hoped. We may get as far as Eugene before we have to camp for what looks like a couple days. Good thing we have lots of food, propane, and a list of RV parks all along the way.

Now for the gripe of the day -- got an email from Direct TV contradicting everything we agreed to during two very long and difficult phone calls. If they've done anything with this email, they have ensured we will never, ever be Direct TV customers again.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 3 – Van Horn, TX to Casa Grande, AZ

Caveat -- For those that have encouraged me (us) to enjoy the ride…let me clue you in on something. I am married to a man that used to drive from Washington, DC to Loman, MN (near the Canadian border… because that’s home) straight through. He drove 24 hrs straight. That is my world right now. Derron's middle name is "push through".

Additional Caveat -- The WiFi is soooooo slow at the Casa Grande RV Resort that I cannot upload pictures. I will have to catch up tomorrow providing the WiFi there is adequate.

Comments about yesterday's stay at the Desert Willow RV Park in Van Horn…no reason to ever come back. As I said in yesterday’s post, it’s nothing more than a parking lot with good showers. Slowest Wi-fi I could ever imagine.  And no AT&T 4G service. Derron complained about not having cable channels until he realized a cable had come loose…then what did he watch? Three episodes of Big Bang Theory that he had seen 100 times before.  Not much more to say. Oh wait…to the reviewer who said, “Just a faint sound of traffic” and the other who said, “Some train noise”…turn up your hearing aids!!!!  I heard three trains loud and clear before 9 PM and several times during the night. And I could hear the highway traffic as if was right outside my window (which it was BTW).

Somehow we both did get a good night’s sleep; I medicated. I had both dogs with me in the bed and Derron had the couch bed with Gracie. I did wake up a few times because of the train…which when we woke this morning, we could see was only a stone’s throw from the park.

In the morning, we decided to try the showers out. Bingo! Clean, heated, spacious, and just what we needed to get the day started. The weather here in Van Horn is very cold…about 20 degrees. 

No luck getting Hazelnut to do her business at the park so we’ll have to stop somewhere close by once we hit the road. Speaking of the "road", we picked up a ton of those annoying and painful burrs on our shoes...I have been stepping on them with bare feet inside all day!

I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Not the best job I ever did but it was hot and hit the spot. It’s a bit cramped trying to cook with other one person and three pets moving about. I have to keep reminding Derron when he takes something out, he needs to put it back. Things can get very chaotic very quickly.

We got on the road early today, about 8:30. Just past Van Horn, we hit Mountain Time. We’re projected to get in at our next stop at around 4:00 depending on how many breaks/stops we take. The next stop is a RV resort. I tried to book a variety of parks on this trip so we could see just what we want to stay in long term in Oregon. This place has a “bark park” for the dogs. I think both of them are about ready to do some running.

Okay, probably TMI but…today we stopped at a rest area outside El Paso. As usual I told Derron to let me know how it was before I ventured in – I hate roadside bathrooms. He came back and said the roof didn't cover the whole building so he had 20 degree (or colder) winds whipping around him the whole time he was in there using the facilities. He told the dogs, "Now I know how you two feel!”

Almost noon and it’s still freezing cold. Temps in Las Cruces – 36. Suppose to be in the 50s in Casa Grande. Beautiful mountain ranges from El Paso west. In New Mexico, many of the overpasses are painted in southwest color schemes. Not my taste but at least they are colorful.

We arrived in Casa Grande at around 4:30. Nice park but very crowded. We got the very last spot available. Completely did not occur to me that this is the high season in Arizona, thus the crowds of snowbirds. But they have free waffles in the morning so who can complain about the crowds.

The dogs enjoyed being off leash in the dog park. Hazelnut kept throwing herself onto the dusty dirt...she looked about three shades lighter when we left the park. She did that along roadsides in New Mexico and Arizona too. Who knew she liked dusty dirt. Nutella appealed to every human in the park for attention. You'd think no one at home loved her.

We took a walk after dinner...oh BTW the microwave broke. Lovely. No one was around...we found them all in the dining room playing bingo.  A snowbird park may not be our thing but you can't beat the quiet. No hardcore partiers here.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 2 - Gonzales, TX to Van Horn, TX

Bad night's sleep last night. We decided to split the difference. Last time we slept in the camper, we let the dogs sleep with us and we got very little sleep. So this time we split up. Derron took the bed with Hazelnut and I took the couch bed with Nutella. As usual, we were utterly defeated. Both dogs wound up with me on the couch. I thought they'd stay there together so I slipped into the bed. No...again, defeated. We will have to revise our plan for tonight. Not sure where Gracie slept but isn't that to be expected...cats being stealth and all?

In daylight, Hill Shade RV Park is pleasant enough. Lots of nice rigs, probably stopped short of San Antonio for the night like we did. There's a nice field right across the street from our site for the dogs. Hazelnut's shy bladder has eased up, thankfully.

As for amenities, WiFi was acceptable. Electric hook-up was a bit tricky. I asked Derron to go check out the showers…was thinking a shower in a normal sized stall with strong water pressure would be great. He came back and said, “I’m gonna say that’s a big no”.  Oh well, maybe at the next park.

There were a few permanent residents at Hill Shade but most seemed transient like us. Only channel we picked up well was FOX. That was true at the park in Mississippi too. Think it’s a conspiracy?

We were going to stay at a KOA park in Van Horn but we couldn’t locate the address on our GPS so we’ve switched. Both are pet friendly but the KOA has a fenced pet area…that would have been nice. I have a stabbing pain in my lower back from the dogs pulling on their leashes.

We tried to get on the road for 9 AM so we could get to Van Horn with a little daylight left. Best laid plans...we didn't.

The drive from San Antonio to around Sonora was pretty nice. Lots of hills though. Not so great if you’re driving an RV towing a car.  But Derron’s doing a great job. He’s been passing and changing lanes without any problems. Better him than me. 

The dogs are doing well. Hazelnut did what she had to do before we left the Gonzales area. We expect her bladder will clam up again when we stop for lunch…but she is improving. She’s not anywhere near as restless as she was yesterday.

Nutella is again the champ of the trip. She’s snoozing away just in case there’s something exciting at the rest area.

Gracie’s been moving about a bit today. Who knows where we will find her later.

The drive from Sonora on was bleak!!!! And the wind was horrible. We got blown from one side of the road to the other. And of course just as soon as Derron asked me how my 4G service was, I lost it. What the hell did we do before we had smartphones? 

We stopped in Van Horn at the Desert Willow RV Park. I'm learning a lot about the various types of RV parks. This is just that, a place to park your RV. It's an asphalt parking lot. But the showers are tiled, clean, and the water pressure is good so I am looking forward to a real shower tomorrow. 

There's no good place to walk the dogs except around the perimeter. We picked up all kinds of prickly things on our shoes. Somehow the dogs managed to avoid them. One of the prickly things must have dropped off my shoe inside and I stepped on it barefoot. Yow!

The wireless here is slow but Derron's pleased we have some cable channels...and of course FOX comes in clear as day.

We just noticed on the handy-dandy info sheet the old lady in the office gave me, that there is a dog run behind the office. We'll see. Speaking of the old lady...I've never seen anyone count change as slow as she did. I truly believe I aged watching her. Her office by the way, consists of a TV tray, a chair, and a cash box.

Tomorrow we head to Arizona by way of Las Cruces, NM. We've both said numerous times, if we didn't have the pets with us we'd stop at lots of places...oh well, another trip maybe.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Bush, LA to Gonzales, TX

Couple of things you don’t want to forget when you start a long car/RV trip with a cat…cut the cat’s nails!  The back of my legs can attest to how important this is. Also, before you dump the cat’s litter box, make sure she’s used it.  

Gracie is a very good cat, potty-wise. But she was so stressed on her harness (not sure why because we use it all the time), that she peed as Derron was struggling to bring her into Filbert (our RV). I think I managed to get it all up, quickly, but if not…we’ll be stopping for some hydrogen peroxide at some point.  I have a tried and true method for cleaning cat urine from carpet or any other surface. Mix 8 oz of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tsp of baking soda, and 1 tsp of dishwashing liquid together, gently, in a plastic bowl. Work it into the stain and dab with a clean towel. 

We got off with few hitches. Derron forgot the huge tub of dog food in the pantry…fortunately we have an extra bag in my car truck. He also forgot Gracie’s cat food feeder…she won’t be happy to eat out of a bowl that can’t “produce” more food as she eats it.

We got my car hooked up to Filbert with a U-haul tow dolly…God help us. Filbert has a rear camera so we can keep an eye on it. I really, really hope we don’t lose my car.

And we're finally, really off -- Day 1: Bush, LA to Gonzales, TX

There are no rest areas on 1-12/I-10 between Baton Rouge and the Texas border. More of Governor Jindal’s infrastructure failures? When you’re traveling with two dogs, you need rest areas. 

Hazelnut, our skittish Lab mix was not happy about the rest area that we finally happened upon. Too many people, too many trucks, too much noise. Hopefully she gets used to it or we’re in for a very long trip.

Nutella, our Basset mix is a real trooper. She did enough at the rest area for four dogs. Seriously!

Gracie, the cat…well that’s another story. She’s still searching for the perfect hidey-hole to settle in and wait out this God-awful misadventure.

Both dogs are now cuddled up on the couch taking a nap. I’ll bet they’re hoping when they wake up we’ll be in Oregon.

The drive from around Lake Charles to Houston is pretty dismal. Not much to see aside from Adult Emporium signs, tractor stores, and around Houston, a lot of traffic. A friend just told me Texas gets real boring after San Antonio. Oh great. Something to look forward to tomorrow.

We arrived at the Hillshade RV Park near Gonzales around 7:30. We picked this park based on recommendations on and because of this disclaimer and image on their web site:

Safe Space, Y’all

Everyone is welcome at Hill Shade RV Park. We are small. We are country. And we are fully and completely accepting of every person who crosses our driveway.

Well Michael, the host, was indeed very nice and welcoming. He's Texas born and bred but is a Minnesota Vikings fan...Derron liked that!

We learned something really quick though when we tried to set's a lot easier in daylight. We are going to shoot for a daytime arrival at the next park.

Time now for some tuna casserole, a cup of hot chocolate...then some zzzzzzz.