Monday, March 24, 2014

Loads More Catching Up

So much to remember to say...

Derron has another interview scheduled! This one is with the Salem-Keizer school board. He's not heard anything back on the first two interviews and I've not heard about the one I had last week either.

Beautiful couple of days in Salem lately. We've taken the dogs on lots of hikes. We went back to West Salem park in the very early morning on Saturday. It was COLD. Also, the trail that runs around the upper side of the park finally dried out so we've taken them there several times. We did see another BUNNY by the way, but Nutella, the bunny hunter, did not. Derron's questioning whether or not she is really a bunny hunter after all -- reason we say she is, is because Basset Hounds were bred to catch rabbits...and Nutella is part Basset, maybe a different part. The dog run at the back of the park is dry again too so we've put them in there a few times and let them work out some angst!

Today was clean up the RV these days. The dogs are at daycare so we opened all the windows and door and aired the place out really good. I Cloroxed all the surfaces, Febrezed all the fabric surfaces and Derron vacuumed. It's so nice to have it clean for at least a little while.

I also have Chicken Cacciatore in the slow cooker...yummo.

More and more RVs and trailers have piled into the park in the last few days. We were eating lunch a few minutes ago when Derron spied someone new driving in...there's so much fascination with each new arrival. What kind of motorhome/trailer do they have? Is it new? Do we want one of those one day? Derron just got back from dumping trash and said the "Corgi Family" (we refer to everyone by their dog's breeds...and everyone has dogs!) has what looks like an outdoor kitchen in their pull trailer. WHAT????

Grandma and Grandpa -- the owners of the ginormous bus beside us, seem to have gone for a while. The bus of course is still here, but their bikes and jeep are nowhere to be seen. Not sad about that...just wish they'd taken the bus too. Still wishing to have our view back.

Well like I said in an earlier blog entry, the bird feeders my sister gave us are a hit. The blue jays here are incredible...some of them have black mohawks. Gracie's had her eye on a couple.

Speaking of Gracie, Derron had her outside on her harness this morning - he ties her to the back of the RV so she can explore the reedy area behind us - when he came in he said..."I don't want to give Gracie any undue credit, since I'm not really sure what happened, but she may have killed a shrew." A shrew...a little teeny, tiny mouse. Don't worry...I will not punish her for doing what cats naturally do - maim and kill, in fact I am a little proud of her despite the fact that I can't stand to see any animal killed. I guess I should just be happy she didn't bring it in with her. Derron, BTW, disposed of the little fellow. No doubt Gracie will be looking for it next time she goes outside.

Other than hiking, applying for jobs, tracking job applications, reading, watching Netflix, we've not been up to much. We do stroll around the RV park a lot, checking mail, doing laundry, etc. The pool should be opening soon; they are sandblasting the inside of it today. The gym is closing again for a few weeks for some reason or another. We still have a few trails here we've not yet investigated but will do so soon with or without the pups.

We've also been checking out lots of Salem neighborhoods. Still not exactly sure where we want to concentrate...there's a cool house near Minto-Brown Island Park. We took the dogs to that park yesterday. It's huge. The dog area is not fenced so we walked the dogs on trails instead. It would be nice to live near a park like that but the house is up a steep hill and that doesn't bode well come Winter.

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