Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Titanic Is Taking On More Water


Derron is losing it with all the rain and trying to keep up with leaks. I would be worried if I didn't see people out doing maintenance on their rigs all the time. He's devised a way, an ingenious one he thinks, to "catch" water leaking under the slide. We'll see.

We went to the Rickreal Flea Market today at the Polk County Fairgrounds. Some good stuff, some junk, lots of guns and knives...packed with oldsters. Derron saw some stuff he liked but seeing as we have NO storage room left in the RV, he'll have to hope it's still there later.

Rickreal is a farming, and apparently a hunting, community. Scratch it off our list of places to live. Nothing against farmers or hunters, just not a lot going on in Rickreal.

Meeting with a friend of my sister Mari's tomorrow. The friend works for the Governor's Resource Solution Centers. I am hoping she can point me in the direction of "paying" political work or simply point me in the direction of other people with whom to network.


Dogs went to the Dog Bark. Yay!

So much for Derron's ingenious way to "catch" the water leaking under the slide. He's now devised an "improved" way to "divert" the water. We'll see. Picture to come when it stops raining.

Met with my sister's friend Lisa Howard. Great talk. She gave me some really good ideas and has offered to introduce me to people she thinks may be able to help further.

I plan on hitting all the Congressional reps' offices in the city - both U.S. Senators and the 5th district Congressman have offices in Salem. They all serve on committees or have bills that dovetail nicely with a lot of my work experience so the intent is to sell myself to one or all of them as a researcher. I may have to do some volunteering first, but it may be worthwhile in the long run.

Also the Governor is up for re-election this year and Lisa is going to see if there's any paid work available.

She also indicated to me...as did the Marion County Democrats, that Salem is much more conservative that Portland and Eugene. Good to know. We'd assumed as much. But the Governor is a Dem as is the entire U.S. delegation...so that's good.

After the meeting, we went to Don's for lunch. We'd been there for breakfast but wanted to try it for lunch. I caved and got breakfast again. What can I say...I LOVE soft-scrambled eggs and they do them NYC perfect! Derron got an open-faced hot turkey sandwich. He cleaned his plate. I think we've found our city diner. The service is great too...

We took it easy the rest of the day. We actually took a nap. Then the SUN can out. We did what probably all people in the NW (and Great Britain) do... we BASKED. We soaked up every sliver. I think we are both suffering from vitamin D deficiencies...so we need either more sun...not going to happen any time soon, vitamin supplements which we have but forget to take, or a ultraviolet safe sun lamp. This is something we need to work on.

Picked up the dogs. They were so happy to see us. Got them home, fed, and then leashed for a walk. I decided to take them outside on my own and wait for Derron - we usually do it the other way around. Lady next door's little rat dog barked, Nutella - still all hyped up from being freed from the Dog Bark, charged the little guy (friendly-like), and in the process, spun me around and on my ass, back, and shoulder in the MUD! My clean jeans and equally clean orange fleece were covered in mud. Needless to say I was NOT a happy camper. After the walk, it was off to do laundry.

Going to Portland tomorrow...going to try to remember to take some pics.

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