Monday, March 10, 2014

Jockeying For Position

Now that the flood threat seems to have died down, several people are moving their RVs to better spots. We have our eyes on one at the end of our row. It's protected on one side by a forest...well a forest by RV park standards. We have to go to the office tomorrow to pay for the next month's lodging, and are hoping to make our case for that spot. Since the office personnel moved us twice for reasons of their own, we're hoping they'll feel sorry for us and give us what we want.

In the meantime, we cleaned the RV from top to bottom. It smells great in here -- mainly because the dogs are at the Dog Bark! Every counter has been Lysol-ed and the whole place has been aired out. Nice sunny day today with a couple of very light we've had the windows open all morning.

Gracie started her meowing tirade in the midst of the clean-up effort so Derron put her leash on and tied her to the picnic table just outside the door (don't worry...we did this all the time on the front porch in Bush). And of course right away she started meowing to come back in. Presumably she wanted Derron to stay out there with her. Later Gracie...

Had the usual errands to run while the dogs were at day care...picked up new harnesses for them and a coupling that will allow us to walk them at the same time on one leash...yeah, that is so on Derron. They've pulled me over, knocked me down, and dragged me too many times to put myself in that position. Knowing them, they'll think they're sled dogs and drag me face first all over the park.

Derron's going to attempt to barbecue later...he's probably looking up how to grill using charcoal right now on the internet. We got some brats for him to try this first time wrong can that go?

We stopped at Adam's Rib BBQ on State Street for lunch. Yeah, pretty much blew our eating out budget for the week in one fell swoop. But it was so good.

Derron had the Tri-Tip (no brisket (his usual choice) on the menu) with mac n'cheese, garlic mashed potatoes, and cornbread. I tried his cornbread...a tad dry, but OK.

I had the pork ribs, pea salad, red potato salad, and cheesy toast. The rub on the ribs was great and didn't even need any sauce (more on that in a second). The pea salad was good and full of bacon. Derron hates peas and I love any chance I get to eat peas out...I do. The potato salad was OK...needed seasoning. (NOTE: I am Irish and a bit of a potato aficionado. When it comes to potato salad, it can't be seasoned after the fact. The potatoes must be seasoned as they boil and again when mixed with other ingredients, while the potatoes are still warm. IMHO.). The cheese toast was entirely too greasy so I gave it to Derron.

The big hit was the sauce...several different varieties available. Derron tried them all, including one labeled, "brazenly hot". My favorite, and his, was this Hefeweizen variety. They also had a bourbon one, which was could really taste the bourbon, but been there done that. Now, hefeweizen...that's something entirely new to us when it comes to BBQ sauce. 
As Jason Mraz would say, it was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

We had a nice lazy day after lunch. Derron took a nap and I finished the Michael Connelly book I'd been working on. Tomorrow I will start The Crowded Grave by Martin Walker, which I picked up at a nearby used bookstore.

Picked the dogs up...tried on the harnesses...too big. My dogs have the weirdest proportions. So back to Petco tomorrow. 

Derron decided he didn't feel up to BBQ-ing. Translation: he hadn't taken the time to read a how-to on the internet yet. Maybe tomorrow.

Now off to finish an Irish drama, Amber, I started on Netflix a couple nights ago!

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