Thursday, March 6, 2014

It's All About Perspective

Pitiful Pet Pictures

Hazelnut after her walk in the pouring rain this morning. Thank God for the binkies Grammie Cockayne made the pups a couple years ago.

Nutella looking somewhat forlorn after the morning's walk too.

And they're both down with their binkies.


The other day I had a bit of a did Derron. But we're back on a more positive course today thanks to support from friends and family. We will make it through this...

We spent the morning discussing our eventual remodel of the tin can. It will be almost a gut and rebuild, but we will retain some elements of its current form. I need to talk to our friend Mack to see if his RV guy in Louisiana has a friend in Oregon who can remodel/repair RVs.

The primary concentration is on making it waterproof!!!! Then the linoleum and carpeting go in favor of laminate wood flooring. I'd love real wood but laminate will work better.

We may lose the shower in favor of a closet. We can always buy an outdoor shower kit for when we choose not to stay in an RV park with a bathhouse. Taking a shower indoors is too problematic. There's very little space to dry off, and in Derron's case, the shower stall is not really tall enough for him.

We're going to turn the overhang into a media/storage area. Then we will lose the couch and dinette for an L-shaped couch. We can figure out later how to bring in a temporary table/trays for eating on the couch, but our goal is to eat outside whenever possible.

We've even thought about changing the orientation of the bed to give us more room in the back...once we lose the two impossibly small half-closets in there.

Lots I want to change in the kitchen too but still mulling over it. And we want to do an overhaul on all the lighting. There is plenty but not all in the right spaces.

Special thanks to my friend Desiree Maestri for turning me on to an RV group on Facebook. Lots of great info there!

We've also decided that as much as we love our pets, we would prefer to travel without them. I don't think any of them will put up a fight.

Here's Nutella claiming her favorite spot - SHOTGUN!

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