Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Kindness Of Strangers

Monday --

I thought I'd killed my two plants. Gracie has been horrified because, actually, they are hers. At least she's the one who has been caring for them. We left them outside in the rain too often, for too long, and possibly in too cool temps too. Anyway, I looked up some remedies online and set about to make things right. Just today, when Derron and I were taking a walk, I told him I thought I'd killed my plants. He swore he saw some new growth since I'd repotted them and put them in indirect sunlight.

As we were rounding the far end of the park, we stopped at a beautiful garden. We saw the lady that gardens there earlier when we were walking the dogs. She thanked us then for keeping the dogs out of it. She has beautiful tulips in bloom now. we were stopped at the garden, she came over to talk to us. I told her about my plants...she asked to see them. Derron got them out and put them on the picnic table. I did see some new growth! She recommended using some of her dirt and sand to replace the top part of the soil I'd used when I repotted them. How sweet was that...she even loaned us her gardening tools to use. I repaid the kindness by giving her the old pots. She has a ton of pots and said she always needs more...she finds plants in the garbage and brings them back to life.

That's the "up" news of the week. Over the weekend I noticed my Microsoft apps were gone from my laptop start up screen. Seems when I upgraded to 8.1, they took a hike. So I spent several hours trying to figure out what went wrong. When I upgraded, seems the apps migrated to my Outlook toolbar. That's very helpful if I am online, but I wanted the apps back for offline work. Several more hours were killed trying to fix things. I wound up uninstalling Office 365 (biggest rip-off on the planet BTW), then reinstalling it. Fortunately it did not "take away" another one of the 5 installs I paid for...and in the process, Derron took the time to install it on his laptop as now I don't have to lend him my laptop. Everything is good again, or at least like it was...

There's a progressive film series here in Salem. Tonight they are showing The Healthcare Movie. The writers/director will be there to answer questions afterward. We're going to get some Lebanese take-out and catch the flick.

Update on film news above: April Fools! Apparently I wrote the date down wrong. The movie is on May 1st. Oh well, we'll try again.

Wednesday --

We drove out to Silverton to look around. Nice little town...lots of restaurants, coffee shops, and bars. We also stopped off at Silverton Falls. Too chilly for a hike, but we'll come back and hike through the Falls when it warms up. Derron captured a couple way off pics...we hope to get closer later.

There's a little frog pond up by the RV Park office. Derron swears he's seen a frog there several times. We walk the dogs by there every now and then but until yesterday, never saw one -- when we were all together that is. But then...we were standing next to it while Derron pointed it out. I didn't see it...then the damn thing jumped into the water, scaring the bejesus out of me! Neither dog saw Derron took a pic to prove it exists.

Looks like a frog to me...

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