Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Some Days Are Really, Really Bad

The other day was a really, really a bad one. It's not enough that it feels like the walls of this tin can are coming in on me...then there's the constant rain, coupled with having to walk through slick and squishy mud, slipping and sliding all the way, trying to control the dogs who just want to play but have not yet grasped the whole leash thing, the tight quarters, the unending issues with the RV, the TV...and the same old shows (I swear Derron could watch the same five episodes of BBT over and over), the fact that Derron sits at the table where the dogs can't go...so they crowd me...and I can't get mad at them because they are just being affectionate...and there's nowhere else to go, and no dishwasher...so to me nothing seems clean, the lack of room to cook...so we do sandwiches or soup and that makes me sad, constant laundering because we don't have room for dirty laundry, trying to deal with the realtors in LA who are doing a good job but are so annoying, trying to keep up with the house stuff there...and stuff that came up in the inspection, and trying to change our health insurance to this region and realizing as much money the government pays for Tricare services...I had to print the form out and fill it in by hand! How is that progress? The WiFi keeps going out too. And then there's my sciatica...God I hate calling a condition "mine"...sounds so old. My back is killing me but when the sciatica kicks in, it's unbearable. All that helps is walking...so we walk. And then there's the fighting, borne of frustration. We're so tired. Neither of us is sleeping well. We're probably vitamin D deprived because of all the cloudy weather -- neither of us are big milk drinkers and I can never remember to take my vitamin supplements. And we want things to progress and although they are...it's such a slow progress. Realizing we have 3 more months of this just adds to the frustration.

But today was a good day. We are working hard to help each other so neither of us gets too frustrated. We're trying to respect each other's privacy, space, and time to ourselves. We're trying to share the burden with cleaning, taking care of the dogs, dealing with the house in LA, and everything else. And today it worked. But it'll have to be a day at a time.

Derron, who never plans anything, asked me today if I wanted to go to one of the German restaurants in Mt. Angel for our anniversary on March 17th. That made it a really good day, today. Tomorrow remains to be seen.

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