Sunday, March 9, 2014

We're In For The Long Haul


Yes, it's raining again, but only after a magnificent 24 hours with NO RAIN! We got a glimpse of just what's in store for us come spring.

My sister, Mari, gave us a couple of bird feeders when we were in Portland Wednesday. We picked up some Shepard's hooks and bird feed at Big Lots this afternoon and will get them up as soon as the sun shows itself again. Pictures forthcoming.

We also got a small charcoal tabletop grill so we can cook outside where there is a lot more open space. Derron's never cooked on a charcoal grill so we'll see how that goes. I am looking forward to it as I've always preferred the way food tastes when cooked over coals.

Gracie made her big escape today after several days of jockeying for position at the door...despite the rain, wet grass, and mud, she seemed undeterred. Derron caught her not far from the RV. She hasn't given up hope of a life outside the tin can.

My poor plants are having a hard time. They thoroughly enjoyed the sunny day but they're back inside again after getting saturated. I am hoping to leave them outside full-time soon.

Oh, and I have a job interview on March 19th. Hoping for a couple more soon as well...applied for two jobs at two different community colleges. I am also meeting with Marion County Democrats to help them get their newsletter back on track (last published in Sept 2012) and bring them into the Twitter-sphere.


Slept like crap last night. Thanks daylight savings time. No rain this morning but it poured all night. Despite that, we took the dogs to the mud, I mean puppy park. They were happy...but yes, muddy. But before we took them...have to mention that we, rather Hazelnut, spotted a bald eagle perched high up in a tree. She was terrified of hawks when she was a puppy but when she got older (and bigger) she loved to sit in the yard and watch them fly around. She sat there for several minutes starting at it. Unfortunately we did not see it take off. That would have been a sight. I've seen several perched in trees in Minnesota but never one in flight.

It's race day so Derron's going to be glued to the TV. So I am doing laundry. I stripped the bedroom, washed all the linens, Febrezed the whole space -- even though I have problems with all the chemicals in Febreze, and opened up the windows and vents. I'm kinda hoping open windows and fresh air will counter any chemical issues.

The bird houses are a huge hit - thanks Mari! Almost as soon as Derron got them up, we had visitors. And we've been serenaded by song birds all morning. I think the birds are almost as happy as we and the dogs are that the sun has come out today. It's looking like almost a FULL rain-free week with temps in the 60s ahead of us. Be still my heart!

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