Thursday, March 13, 2014

What A Difference A Day Makes


We decided to stay put in our current spot. Even though the other one has a "green" privacy fence of sorts, it's also right next to the dog run so dogs will be running around our spot all the time, meaning...our dogs will go nuts. So we'll stay where we are...not so bad here. The folks in the ginormous bus should be leaving soon and maybe they'll be replaced with a smaller rig. It would be nice to have our view back.

We had a sunny, albeit chilly, day today. Figured it was a good time to break out the grill. Hopefully we don't burn the place down!

Derron may have gotten a little carried away with the amount of charcoal he put in the little tiny BBQ. But the brats were really good...had a nice char on the outside. Just perfect.

Gracie tucked under a tree while Derron grilled.

The pups watched out the window while Derron grilled...well, until I took this pic of course.


Another magnificent day in the northwest! Cold this morning but as soon as the fog burned off...gorgeous!!! We drove down to Albany to check it out. Nice downtown area but lots of closed stores/businesses. We had lunch at First Burger. Derron had an open faced chili burger. I had just a plain, boring burger. Both were good. They advertise that all the meat is Oregon-raised and ground in the restaurant daily and that the chili has never seen the inside of a can. Can't go wrong there!

For my contingent of friends who are (still) worried about Gracie and how she's faring in Dogville (the RV most days), she's doing fine. We set up chairs outside today and let her roam about. Here she's rolling in the of her favorite things to do. And then Derron walked her around a bit.


We went to a Hire Our Heroes job fair this morning. Got some good resume tips and made contact with two state of which I'm already scheduled to interview with next week. Aside from having to get up early and out of sweats and fleeces, it was worthwhile. Derron made a couple contacts with Intel and Volt too.

Back to the RV to change clothes and then off to the dog park. We plan to take advantage of every ray of sunshine and exercise the hounds!  Then back to the RV again, but this time to marinate some chops for dinner and then a nap...but of course Gracie, who's now become accustomed to spending time in the sun, decided she wanted to go out. So here are a few more pictures of our little hunter.

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