Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day Started Out Grey...

It started raining just as we were falling asleep night before last. UGH! It was a bit drizzly in the morning but then it burned off and we had another beautiful day...4 in a row!!!

We moved our picnic table to be even with our RV cab. The new location gives us a chance to be more social with folks walking by when we're outside BBQing. The dogs decided to be a part of the group as well. May I introduce Sister Hazelnut and Sister Nutella!

We have a curtain between the inside of the RV and the cab but both are always "breaching" that line. We were sitting outside and just glanced in and caught Hazelnut. I thought I'd die laughing. Then Nutella did the same thing. I swear these two dogs are more entertaining than just about anything.

We'd been taking the dogs to a dog park in Independence, just a short drive from the RV park. We hadn't bother to explore any further into the town but did so today. Lots of cute little restaurants and bars, a used bookstore, a cinema, and a couple of bakeries...the downtown is not large but there is certainly something to do there. 

On a side street we spotted this adorable restaurant, the Pink House Cafe.

Although we hadn't planned on eating out...who could resist. I had a wonderful curry chicken salad. I don't think I've eaten this much fruit in the last year!

So...we decided to try out the walking trail here at the park, at least the part that hasn't been (and still has in parts, been) underwater for the last few weeks. The dogs seemed pretty happy to check out something new. Of course, Hazelnut jumped at every sound...we got about a third of the way into the foliage when we hit a mud we decided to turn around. I'd switched dogs with Derron -- Hazelnut does better with him when she's scared, so I had Nutella -- AKA the Bunny Hunter. Good thing Derron has good eyesight and took a look down the return path...what lay in wait??? A BUNNY! I immediately set about distracting the dogs...I feared for my shoulders (as in them being dislocated by a charging dog). Derron scooted on down the trail, trying to block any view of the bunny...and scared it back into the bushes. We made it out without incident. 

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