Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Just Talking...

Derron's home from Louisiana. House is all packed up...he took care of some car registration issues, dropped off keys with the Realtor, requested well and septic tank inspections, had dinner with our neighbors, the Carters, and got rid of some recyclables that had piled up. He's happy to be home.

While he was gone, Gracie killed two more shrews...she's up to 6 (2 more since he's been home). She hunts all morning, no doubt in an effort to get a fresh one for daddy! Then she comes in for a drink of water, a nibble of kibble, and a very quick nap. Then it's back out to hunt some more.


Life sometimes throws you a few curves...much upheaval last week and this week. Not all of it pleasant, but I believe I am on the right road...and able to concentrate better on what's important.


Was thinking this morning how much I'd give for a big bowl of gumbo. I have some gumbo base, but no room to do all the chopping required for a pot o'gumbo. And I don't have my trusty gumbo pot anyway. Also missing my two burner griddle. Oh, to get jobs, find a house, and get my STUFF!


We went to the Independence Hops and Barrel House last night. We both needed a drink and a bite to eat. John, the bartender, stopped us at the door to let us know their taps were down...some kind of electrical problem. But they did have an assortment of bottled and canned beer and cider. Nothing really interested me so I went for some Knob Creek Rye Whiskey and water. Hit the spot. 

I ordered the warm artichoke dip. It was really an artichoke/spinach dip. Not that that's a bad thing, but I was really in the mood for artichokes. But it was good.

Derron stuck with cider and had a Barrel Burger. He said it was good but even more so once he added a horseradish mustard John told him about. John, by the way, was super nice...we'd go back for a draft beer just to say hi. 

If we wind up buying the house in Independence we really, really want, we may be spending lots of time at the Hops and's less than 2 blocks from the house! 


We're still plugging away on the job front. Derron had what we thought were promising interviews a couple weeks ago but didn't get the jobs. Depressing but we can't let it get to us. He's applying for 3 more today. I have several applications out now, all with local non-profits. I am applying for a couple of state government jobs as well. 


Life in the park is good...all the big buses that showed up when Derron was gone (with the exception of the one right next to us), are gone. The two lanes in front of us are empty. That gives us lots more open space to walk the dogs. We took them to the dog park in Independence yesterday and then for a walk to Riverside Park. Hazelnut headed straight into the river as she's always done. But this time she got a shock when she stepped forward and fell off the boat ramp. We're pretty sure she won't make that mistake again.


We keep looking at houses (from the outside and online) in Salem but really have our hearts set on Independence. I think we both prefer its quiet pace and all the local food/drink/bookstores within walking distance. It would be a great place to get involved in the community as well. They have a very active Town Council, Historical Society, and lots of civic organizations. Something to think about for the (hopefully) near future.

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