Wednesday, June 4, 2014

It's Been A While.

Haven't blogged in a long while...about a month. It's been a rough month. We've been dealt some blows but we're not defeated.

I got really sick about the time Derron flew the winged tube of pestilence back from NOLA in early May. Thought I was going to die. Wound up having to visit an Urgent Care facility when our insurance provider threw a whole lot of roadblocks in our path -- that will be remedied shortly. I am a lot better now but still coughing now and then.

But there have been some good things happening too. Derron got a job about 3 weeks ago. He's doing IT Help Desk Support for the Salem-Keizer school district. The drive to work is less than 10 minutes...and his office is right around the corner from a Magic Cards store, a game he loves playing. He's been playing on Thursday nights with a bunch of other geeks.

We've also found an awesome realtor. We started out with a married team, the Kings, but they have yet, after showing us 2 houses we lined up, to send us 1 listing. Holly found me online and started sending me listings. At first I found it a little rude, but then I found a place I wanted to see in Independence and contacted her. Imagine Penelope from Criminal Minds. She's awesome.

Yes, we have decided for sure that we want to live in Independence. We even have the house picked out -- 3 blocks off Main Street. It has a great yard for the dogs and a large swath out front that Derron has already identified as a perfect landscape for his Halloween and Christmas tableaux. The neighbor across the street is a retired Marine and flies a Marine Corps flag...Derron is already planning to fly an Air Force one over ours. That should make us popular in the neighborhood!

We spend a lot of time in Independence already...the dogs love the dog park and Riverside park (well, mainly the boat launch), we are in love with Lionshare Bakery and the Hops and Barrel House, and have spent more than a few Saturdays at the small Farmers' Market. That said, last week we went to the Farmers' Market in Salem --- oooooooooh. The food choices! I had this little yeast pastry of sorts stuffed with egg salad. It was awesome! While walking out this guy asked me if I liked maple...say what? Maple happens to be my all time favorite flavor. I bought a Maple Bacon Whoopie Pie from him. So good...but so sweet. Derron had the most luscious brownie I have ever tasted.

I am still job hunting but more and more good prospects have been cropping I've not lost all hope. I spoke to Holly's preferred lender yesterday and found out I don't have to make too much for us to afford the house we fact I have to make only a pittance. That took a huge load off. Guess it does help to not carrying a lot of debt!  So we're considering my taking an hourly wage job just to get out of the RV and into the house...and then keep job hunting for that perfect job.

We decided after hearing from the lender yesterday that we needed a night out. So we headed to McMenamin's Boon's Treasury, a local pub, for a bite to eat. I'd been there before and had the best appetizer in the world...Scooby Snacks - mini corn dogs. Who doesn't love corn dogs???? Ok...bad pic...there were a whole lot more of them in the basket before I snapped this.

They make lots of good dipping sauces for fries and tater tots (yes, I said tater tots). I chose the Sriracha Mayo. Yummmmmm.

Derron had the Boon's Treasury Burger - Bacon, Tillamook Cheddar Cheese, Grilled Onions, and Hammerhead BBQ Sauce. He looks like he's falling into a food coma in the pic below...

I had the Tuna Salad Sandwich. Normally I don't do tuna out because I am really picky about tuna salad. But this one was good. Not great, but good. It included creamy albacore tuna (normally I do chunk light because albacore can be so dry...this one was a bit - but I brought home the second half and will add a little more mayo for moisture), celery, red onion, and fresh dill. I've never had red onions with tuna salad before but will definitely use some the next time I whip up a batch.

I also brought home a Black and Tan Brownie -- too stuffed to eat it there. It was very yeasty tasting, just what you'd expect from something made with Guinness.

Well, believe that brings things up to date. The dogs and cat are still doing well but all are really itching for more space, a change of scenery, and all their stuff back! So are we! Maybe by the next time I blog, I'll have an update on that!


  1. There's a McMenamin's down there? We've been to several of their "resorts" - very cool. Sounds pretty cool down there. I shan't tell my husband though - he'll want to move there.

    1. There are several in Portland Lori but I believe Boon's Treasury is the only one here...but I may be wrong.

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