Monday, April 28, 2014

The Move Progresses

Derron is in Louisiana now packing our worldly possessions into a series of PODs containers. Once done, they will be picked up and stored - for safe keeping we hope - until we have a place to settle into.

Derron took on a lot this week...he had to mow a very overgrown 3 acres, pack all the already packed boxes (about 100) into a POD on his own, pack a few more, renew the car registration (we can't do that here in OR until we've been here 6 months???), get a termite inspection certificate, pay a visit to Public Health and schedule a well and septic system inspection, drop off a Power of Attorney with the title company handling our house sale, and drop off various items at our realtor's office. He'll be completely exhausted when he gets back here very late Wednesday night.

While he's been gone, I've been on my own with the dogs. The first day was a bit rough...I have to walk the dogs separately because they're too hard to handle together. Hazelnut had gotten used to Derron walking her. She hates change so naturally she had some issues. Nutella was in fine form...acting out, barking at all the little dogs, and jumping and lunging at everyone.

They spent most of Saturday and Sunday at The Dog Bark. That certainly helped. Today, Monday, I'm on my own with them again. Seems they've gotten the message...and both have been really, really good.

Gracie, of course, wants to go outside every single second of the day...and that's fine so long as our neighbor's dog, Liberty, is not out too. Also, I tend to forget she's out there. On Saturday, I left her out in the rain for a sorry Gracie. I rubbed her dry with a clean towel, which she surprisingly loved, and made sure she was warm.

She's missing Derron at night. She's used to sleeping near him. Seems she's decided Hazelnut is a fair evidenced by the photo below.

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