Monday, November 24, 2014

We're Not On The Road Anymore But Maybe I Wish We Were.

Even though we're quite settled in Independence, I'm keeping the name of this blog the same. I'm an Army brat and an Air Force wife...the road has been my life. No sense in denying it simply because I'm permanent for the moment.

2014 has been the absolute worst year of my life. I thought the year my parents divorced was the worst...and it was indeed bad, but this one takes the cake.

To start off with, I came to the realization that I did not fit into the world I thought I would. There were elements of happiness associated with my life in Louisiana, but not enough to keep plugging along. Old friends didn't get me and I didn't get, or didn't want to get them. I couldn't find a job. I felt the days, weeks, months, and years just slipping by.

Derron was unhappy too so we decided to make a big, bold change. My mother and my sisters, Erin and Mari, were living in Oregon. Derron liked the thought of living somewhere with four seasons and terrain, so we made the move.

Living in a 31 foot RV for 6 months was as close to hell as I ever want to be. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But we made it. Derron found work, I found what I'd hoped would be a steady job, and we found a house in a wonderful small town. I started making some new, wonderful friends. I got involved in causes and efforts that fed my soul.

Then my father died.

Like most people my age, I'd lost my grandparents. I miss them all. But being an Army brat, I didn't see them often. And even though today I think of them all almost daily, their deaths didn't hit me in the way my father's did.

I can not explain the sense of finality that comes over you when you lose someone that's been such a huge part of your my case, oftentimes more in the physical than emotional sense. He died in July. I know it will take a long time before I "get over" it. But almost every day I hear myself say these words in my head..."My dad is dead". I do not know why I find that so incredulous.

We had to endure the memorial in July and then the internment in October. It's made for a very rough summer/fall.

The job I thought would be steady is not. So I took a temporary position with the state Democratic party. It's now over and thus, the job hunt begins again. I am way too old for this. It's so hard to keep putting yourself out there. I find the more I try, the more I want to lock myself in the house and wish the world away.

And now...basically on the eve of Thanksgiving, my mother and sister, Erin's, long standing feud has begun anew. It's more than I can bear. It makes me so thankful that I have Derron in my life. He does everything I ask...goes everywhere I want to go...he's so easy and accommodating. Knowing he's in my corner, on one hand, buoys me, and on the other, makes me want to pull inward even more. He's the one person I have in my life that I know will always be there. He'll always take my crap, hug me when I cry, and tell me when I'm wrong.

My family has never been ideal. It's never been the picture of happiness. We have memories but so many of them are sad, harsh, wrought with strife, and of so much time spent apart. I spent time today writing Christmas cards, wishing all my friends much happiness...when will happiness fill my life again?

Friday, August 22, 2014

It'll Be A Cold Day In Hell Before I Get Back Into That RV!

We've been out of the RV now for about 1 month. Have not accomplished much though regarding the house.

I was working a large event when we moved in. It consumed me. I had to put unpacking boxes off for a little bit. I'm back to it now but it still seems to be taking far too long.

We've hung pictures for the past two days. Just in the living and dining rooms. So much more to hang! That's one downside to having a husband who likes to buy art work when we travel -- and we have traveled A LOT!

We also did finally get the fence in. The dogs were thrilled, as were we. No more walking the dogs on leashes except for when they go to daycare.

We have a lot of painting to do...and yes, probably should have done it before we hung pictures. But the paint on the walls is fresh and not horrible, so I decided we could wait. Especially for when it gets cooler. We've been experiencing a heatwave here in the Pacific NW. Up to 100 a couple of times! And the house is not air conditioned. We won't be installing central air, but we will probably at some point add a couple of ductless units. Mostly so we can sleep in the master bedroom upstairs. We've been in the guest room downstairs where it's MUCH cooler.

The front of the house faces east and the back west, so we get a LOT of sunshine. I did not realize just how hot a place can get when you have floor to ceiling windows, unrelenting sunshine, and high temps. Really hot. Good thing the blackout curtains finally arrived. I feel a bit like a vampire now.

Friday, July 4, 2014

The "Adventure" Is Almost Over.

It's been a month since I last wrote. A lot has happened since then. I got a job. At first I was hired as a contractor and then just shy of two weeks, was brought on as a full-fledged employee. At Portland State University. But I don't have to work in Portland. But I do have to travel there periodically for meetings. And that's not a bad thing.

I am working as an Event Coordinator. Getting paid for something I'd probably do for free...and have done for free. And I get to work from home. With my puppies. I get to make Derron breakfast before he heads off to his office in Salem. I get to work in my pjs if I want to...I get to play with my dogs...and I get to make dinner. Not in a rush...I can take my time, chop to my heart's content, and make good, wholesome, nourishing food for my family.

Oh, and we bought a house. In Independence, OR. A very quaint, yet cool town on the banks of the Willamette River. It was the last stop on the Oregon Trail. Independence has the best coffee shop ever...and that's coming from someone who does not drink coffee.We can walk to the movies, dinner, the library, bars, a used bookstore...and the park (alongside the river).

We couldn't be happier. Moving to Oregon was the best thing we ever did. Truly. We won't be sad to move out of the RV or to say goodbye to the RV park that has been our home since early February. We've learned a lot about much we can take, what just about killed us, what we never want to live through again.

But we're on the other side now...and things are looking good.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

It's Been A While.

Haven't blogged in a long while...about a month. It's been a rough month. We've been dealt some blows but we're not defeated.

I got really sick about the time Derron flew the winged tube of pestilence back from NOLA in early May. Thought I was going to die. Wound up having to visit an Urgent Care facility when our insurance provider threw a whole lot of roadblocks in our path -- that will be remedied shortly. I am a lot better now but still coughing now and then.

But there have been some good things happening too. Derron got a job about 3 weeks ago. He's doing IT Help Desk Support for the Salem-Keizer school district. The drive to work is less than 10 minutes...and his office is right around the corner from a Magic Cards store, a game he loves playing. He's been playing on Thursday nights with a bunch of other geeks.

We've also found an awesome realtor. We started out with a married team, the Kings, but they have yet, after showing us 2 houses we lined up, to send us 1 listing. Holly found me online and started sending me listings. At first I found it a little rude, but then I found a place I wanted to see in Independence and contacted her. Imagine Penelope from Criminal Minds. She's awesome.

Yes, we have decided for sure that we want to live in Independence. We even have the house picked out -- 3 blocks off Main Street. It has a great yard for the dogs and a large swath out front that Derron has already identified as a perfect landscape for his Halloween and Christmas tableaux. The neighbor across the street is a retired Marine and flies a Marine Corps flag...Derron is already planning to fly an Air Force one over ours. That should make us popular in the neighborhood!

We spend a lot of time in Independence already...the dogs love the dog park and Riverside park (well, mainly the boat launch), we are in love with Lionshare Bakery and the Hops and Barrel House, and have spent more than a few Saturdays at the small Farmers' Market. That said, last week we went to the Farmers' Market in Salem --- oooooooooh. The food choices! I had this little yeast pastry of sorts stuffed with egg salad. It was awesome! While walking out this guy asked me if I liked maple...say what? Maple happens to be my all time favorite flavor. I bought a Maple Bacon Whoopie Pie from him. So good...but so sweet. Derron had the most luscious brownie I have ever tasted.

I am still job hunting but more and more good prospects have been cropping I've not lost all hope. I spoke to Holly's preferred lender yesterday and found out I don't have to make too much for us to afford the house we fact I have to make only a pittance. That took a huge load off. Guess it does help to not carrying a lot of debt!  So we're considering my taking an hourly wage job just to get out of the RV and into the house...and then keep job hunting for that perfect job.

We decided after hearing from the lender yesterday that we needed a night out. So we headed to McMenamin's Boon's Treasury, a local pub, for a bite to eat. I'd been there before and had the best appetizer in the world...Scooby Snacks - mini corn dogs. Who doesn't love corn dogs???? Ok...bad pic...there were a whole lot more of them in the basket before I snapped this.

They make lots of good dipping sauces for fries and tater tots (yes, I said tater tots). I chose the Sriracha Mayo. Yummmmmm.

Derron had the Boon's Treasury Burger - Bacon, Tillamook Cheddar Cheese, Grilled Onions, and Hammerhead BBQ Sauce. He looks like he's falling into a food coma in the pic below...

I had the Tuna Salad Sandwich. Normally I don't do tuna out because I am really picky about tuna salad. But this one was good. Not great, but good. It included creamy albacore tuna (normally I do chunk light because albacore can be so dry...this one was a bit - but I brought home the second half and will add a little more mayo for moisture), celery, red onion, and fresh dill. I've never had red onions with tuna salad before but will definitely use some the next time I whip up a batch.

I also brought home a Black and Tan Brownie -- too stuffed to eat it there. It was very yeasty tasting, just what you'd expect from something made with Guinness.

Well, believe that brings things up to date. The dogs and cat are still doing well but all are really itching for more space, a change of scenery, and all their stuff back! So are we! Maybe by the next time I blog, I'll have an update on that!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Just Talking...

Derron's home from Louisiana. House is all packed up...he took care of some car registration issues, dropped off keys with the Realtor, requested well and septic tank inspections, had dinner with our neighbors, the Carters, and got rid of some recyclables that had piled up. He's happy to be home.

While he was gone, Gracie killed two more shrews...she's up to 6 (2 more since he's been home). She hunts all morning, no doubt in an effort to get a fresh one for daddy! Then she comes in for a drink of water, a nibble of kibble, and a very quick nap. Then it's back out to hunt some more.


Life sometimes throws you a few curves...much upheaval last week and this week. Not all of it pleasant, but I believe I am on the right road...and able to concentrate better on what's important.


Was thinking this morning how much I'd give for a big bowl of gumbo. I have some gumbo base, but no room to do all the chopping required for a pot o'gumbo. And I don't have my trusty gumbo pot anyway. Also missing my two burner griddle. Oh, to get jobs, find a house, and get my STUFF!


We went to the Independence Hops and Barrel House last night. We both needed a drink and a bite to eat. John, the bartender, stopped us at the door to let us know their taps were down...some kind of electrical problem. But they did have an assortment of bottled and canned beer and cider. Nothing really interested me so I went for some Knob Creek Rye Whiskey and water. Hit the spot. 

I ordered the warm artichoke dip. It was really an artichoke/spinach dip. Not that that's a bad thing, but I was really in the mood for artichokes. But it was good.

Derron stuck with cider and had a Barrel Burger. He said it was good but even more so once he added a horseradish mustard John told him about. John, by the way, was super nice...we'd go back for a draft beer just to say hi. 

If we wind up buying the house in Independence we really, really want, we may be spending lots of time at the Hops and's less than 2 blocks from the house! 


We're still plugging away on the job front. Derron had what we thought were promising interviews a couple weeks ago but didn't get the jobs. Depressing but we can't let it get to us. He's applying for 3 more today. I have several applications out now, all with local non-profits. I am applying for a couple of state government jobs as well. 


Life in the park is good...all the big buses that showed up when Derron was gone (with the exception of the one right next to us), are gone. The two lanes in front of us are empty. That gives us lots more open space to walk the dogs. We took them to the dog park in Independence yesterday and then for a walk to Riverside Park. Hazelnut headed straight into the river as she's always done. But this time she got a shock when she stepped forward and fell off the boat ramp. We're pretty sure she won't make that mistake again.


We keep looking at houses (from the outside and online) in Salem but really have our hearts set on Independence. I think we both prefer its quiet pace and all the local food/drink/bookstores within walking distance. It would be a great place to get involved in the community as well. They have a very active Town Council, Historical Society, and lots of civic organizations. Something to think about for the (hopefully) near future.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Move Progresses

Derron is in Louisiana now packing our worldly possessions into a series of PODs containers. Once done, they will be picked up and stored - for safe keeping we hope - until we have a place to settle into.

Derron took on a lot this week...he had to mow a very overgrown 3 acres, pack all the already packed boxes (about 100) into a POD on his own, pack a few more, renew the car registration (we can't do that here in OR until we've been here 6 months???), get a termite inspection certificate, pay a visit to Public Health and schedule a well and septic system inspection, drop off a Power of Attorney with the title company handling our house sale, and drop off various items at our realtor's office. He'll be completely exhausted when he gets back here very late Wednesday night.

While he's been gone, I've been on my own with the dogs. The first day was a bit rough...I have to walk the dogs separately because they're too hard to handle together. Hazelnut had gotten used to Derron walking her. She hates change so naturally she had some issues. Nutella was in fine form...acting out, barking at all the little dogs, and jumping and lunging at everyone.

They spent most of Saturday and Sunday at The Dog Bark. That certainly helped. Today, Monday, I'm on my own with them again. Seems they've gotten the message...and both have been really, really good.

Gracie, of course, wants to go outside every single second of the day...and that's fine so long as our neighbor's dog, Liberty, is not out too. Also, I tend to forget she's out there. On Saturday, I left her out in the rain for a sorry Gracie. I rubbed her dry with a clean towel, which she surprisingly loved, and made sure she was warm.

She's missing Derron at night. She's used to sleeping near him. Seems she's decided Hazelnut is a fair evidenced by the photo below.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Mystery Solved

We have been wondering about the field behind us. We thought maybe it was some kind of vineyard but we'd never seen one like it. While in Independence over the weekend, we discovered its purpose. It's a hops field! Evidently, Independence is the hops capital of the world.

Well it's been over a week since we crossed the Willamette River via the pedestrian bridge from West Salem to Salem. It was a beautiful day and there were many people out. Once in Salem, we walked to Riverside Park. Nice walk...good workout.

Nothing much else going on. We seem to spend a lot of time in Independence...where we hope to find a house sometime soon. We take the dogs to the dog park there, then walk them to Independence's Riverside Park. It's a good walk for them and us! Both the dogs like walking down the boat launch and wading in the water. Hazelnut more than Nutella, but both are happy to have a cool drink after a good walk. We've also been walking them up to Main Street from there to socialize them with the traffic -- not a lot in Independence, but more than they're used to. 

We visited the Independence Heritage Museum yesterday and had a nice long talk with Peggy, one of the curators. She's been in Independence for over 20 years and shared a lot of town history with us. She's also been involved with city government and various boards and commissions. 

Later in the afternoon, we ventured into Monmouth, just up the road from Independence, for some ice cream. There's a little 'mom and pop' ice cream shop on Monmouth Avenue across from a small park. We ate ice cream and sat in the sun for a while. 

Derron has a second interview with the Salem-Keizer School District on Wednesday. We're hoping he gets it of course...but it would be nice to know sooner than later...he wants to go back to Bush and pack up the house before he has to worry about trying to do that while starting a new job. Most of the house is already packed up...but I need to arrange for PODS to be delivered and for some manual labor to help him. I am sure he's not looking forward to the work, but it will be nice to know our stuff is close by instead of so far away.

We found a house we both like in Independence...but we haven't looked at anything yet. I am trying to find a realtor so we can start compiling a list of places we want to consider. Main Street, or any street within a 3-4 block radius of Main Street, would be perfect since it would allow us to walk to everything -- the park/dog park, coffee shops/bakeries (there are two on Main Street), Thai food, 2 bars/pubs, Italian food (2 places), a used bookstore, the Civic Center, the library, and a cinema. Sounds ideal!