Friday, July 4, 2014

The "Adventure" Is Almost Over.

It's been a month since I last wrote. A lot has happened since then. I got a job. At first I was hired as a contractor and then just shy of two weeks, was brought on as a full-fledged employee. At Portland State University. But I don't have to work in Portland. But I do have to travel there periodically for meetings. And that's not a bad thing.

I am working as an Event Coordinator. Getting paid for something I'd probably do for free...and have done for free. And I get to work from home. With my puppies. I get to make Derron breakfast before he heads off to his office in Salem. I get to work in my pjs if I want to...I get to play with my dogs...and I get to make dinner. Not in a rush...I can take my time, chop to my heart's content, and make good, wholesome, nourishing food for my family.

Oh, and we bought a house. In Independence, OR. A very quaint, yet cool town on the banks of the Willamette River. It was the last stop on the Oregon Trail. Independence has the best coffee shop ever...and that's coming from someone who does not drink coffee.We can walk to the movies, dinner, the library, bars, a used bookstore...and the park (alongside the river).

We couldn't be happier. Moving to Oregon was the best thing we ever did. Truly. We won't be sad to move out of the RV or to say goodbye to the RV park that has been our home since early February. We've learned a lot about much we can take, what just about killed us, what we never want to live through again.

But we're on the other side now...and things are looking good.